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Chippy Trivia Quiz Answers- December 2015

Congratulations to Sydney G, Charlie K, Samantha F, Ari S, Samantha G, Ari H, Maddie F, Olivia L, Alyssa L, Holly G, Zoey S, Sami S, Dani H and Marni...

Chippy Trivia Quiz- January 2016

_ Here are the rules: _ Answer all of the questions below by emailing Sari at by February 15. You must answer all five questions correctly to win. E...

Camper Spotlight- January 2016

This month’s Camper Spotlight features Julia Friedland! Julia will be a Lakeview camper in the summer of 2016 and her enthusiasm and spirit are conta...

Staff Spotlight- January 2016

We are excited to be featuring Melissa Spero in the January Staff Spotlight! Melissa was a first year staff member last summer and after being a camp...

January Birthdays!

Happy Birthday to the Following Chippies! May all of your good dreams come true :) *Denotes new camper January 2 *Sarah K January 5 Faye B January 6 ...

Alumni Spotlight- December 2015

The December Alumni Spotlight features Linsey Friedman. Linsey was a long time camper/counselor and now is a Chippewa parent. Sari was lucky enough t...

Chippy Trivia Quiz- December 2015

_ Here are the rules: _ Answer all of the questions below by emailing Sari at by January 15. You must answer all five questions correctly to win. Ea...