Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,
Before we get started, I need to let you all know that even though it is Thursday, it’s still Sari reporting this evening. Tomorrow Aloaf will be your eyes and ears because I will be on the CIT trip…I’m sorry to disappoint anyone who was reading tonight specifically to hear from her, but hopefully this will still be worth your time!
After a completely normal first period, the rain came down over Chippyland. It wasn’t too bad but it was really the first daytime rain we have seen this summer. I love a bit of rain every once in awhile at camp. While I definitely prefer the sun to be shining most days, there is a certain campy feel I get when there are puddles on the ground and the skies are gloomy. It is hard to explain but I know I am not alone in this feeling…right?!
At lunch, Luke announced all of the fishing accomplishments of this summer. I couldn’t believe how many campers have been successful on the fishing boat and docks. In addition to the actual achievements, Luke threw a couple of funny names from the past in there. He said that Kourtney Kershaw and Ashley Ackerman both caught fish…maybe it is a sign that they should visit soon!
One of my favorite moments of the day was on the way to snack, Eanna was walking towards the Hirschy Bar with multiple kids hanging on him. He has quickly become a camp celebrity…the kids love him and he is incredibly sweet and fun with them! Speaking of Male Staff, they sacrificed Emily Shimanovsky (Shim Shim) at lunch! Campers love when they hear banging on the Male Staff table…it is a sign that something fun is coming. They did the sacrifice cheer as she sat in the middle of their table. They then raised her up as they sang and the entire camp cheered along. The final component to any good sacrifice is watching the staff member get thrown in the lake. It was exciting- that’s for sure!
Tonight at dinner we cheered for Tan and White. The lodge was incredibly LOUD! It was impressive and a bit scary all at the same time. The senior staff led the cheering because the CITs were in a meeting. We sang tons of old Songfest songs, which I always love! Tonight’s game was Counselor Hunt- a fan favorite at CRC. Counselors hid all over camp…in vans, dumpsters, buildings, the woods, and even under ground! Campers were paired with someone from their team (typically an older camper with a younger camper) to search high and low. When they found a counselor, they announced, “I’m a Tan/White, I see you!” They then described what the counselor was wearing so that the counselor knew to come out. Depending on the hiding spot, counselors were each worth a different amount of points. For those counselors that were in more challenging spots, clues were announced over the loudspeaker. Chippy alumni remember the famous, “Go back, go back, go back to the woods!” cheer, which was announced many times! There were campers in and out of the office searching for counselors who were on the ceiling of my office…listening to them was quite entertaining! Rachel B and Maddie E of the White Team found me :). The Tans won the game tonight but it was insanely close…the point totals for the summer are neck in neck!
Before bed, the cabin of Cactus “kidknapped” the Circle C campers. As the Circle C girls were getting into bed, the older Cactus campers stormed into their cabin and blindfolded them. They brought them down to the messhall where they had a little party waiting of them. It was awesome and we were very proud that they took the initiative to help make memories for our younger campers!
And now it is time for me to say goodnight! Thanks for reading TSD this evening…all is well at #TheRanch2016 and Soph-Aloaf will update you again tomorrow!
Happy Camping and Love,