First Time Campers

Confidence is the key to a successful first summer.

Your daughter must feel confident that she is going to have a great time and be safe away from home. As a parent, you have the unique ability to encourage that confidence by affirming that Chippewa is a wonderful, loving, and safe place to be.

Homesickness is Normal

Home is what we all know best — it’s familiar and safe. Camp is new, different, and unfamiliar. It’s healthy to miss home at the start, but this feeling passes as girls get to know their way around, meet the other girls at camp, and engage in the daily flow of activities!

Day One

A lot of behind-the-scenes work happens before your daughter arrives at camp. We’re very intentional about getting to know each child before they come to Chippewa. We ask lots of questions, meet with new families face-to-face or via video chat, and do everything else we can think of to set your daughter up for a successful first summer.

Cabin placements are a big deal and a lot of thought goes into them. We also match younger campers up with big sisters so they have an older friend in the camp community.

When your daughter arrives at camp she'll feel like everyone knows her. It's a pretty special feeling.

Window Video

The thing that parents tell us is most valuable is our “Window Video” where you get to record a private message for your child’s counselors and tell them the important things you want them to know.

We want you and your daughter to feel great about her first summer at Chippewa!