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Alumni Spotlight- March 2016

Our March Alumni Spotlight features Stephanie Hokin Moss. For Stef, Chippewa is in the family…she went to CRC with her sisters and then her daughters...

Camper Spotlight- March 2016

This month’s Camper Spotlight highlights the life of Samantha F. Samantha is an awesome camper who is constantly smiling and enthusiastically partici...

Staff Spotlight- March 2016

This month’s Staff Spotlight features Hannah Cohen. Hannah will be a CIT this summer and we cannot wait to have her on staff. She has been an enthusi...

Chippy Trivia Quiz- March 2016

_ Here are the rules: _ Answer all of the questions below by emailing Sari at by April 15. You must answer all five questions correctly to win. Each...

Chippy Trivia Quiz Answers- February 2016

Congratulations to Zoey S, Samantha F, Alexa R, Charlie K, Megan C and Sadie C for answering the February Quiz questions correctly! You will each be ...

Alumni Spotlight- February/March 2016

This month’s Alumni Spotlight features Julie Chaiken! Julie was at camp as a camper in the late ’90s and early 2000s and then a staff member on and o...

March Birthdays!

Happy Birthday to the Following Chippies! May all of your good dreams come true :) *Denotes new camper March 2 Daila B March 3 *Hope F March 6 Lucy G...