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Camper Spotlight- May 2016

Our May Camper Spotlight features Jordyn S! Jordyn is an awesome camper who is one of the kindest Chippies around. She is loved by her cabinmates as ...

Staff Spotlight- May 2016

Our May Staff Spotlight features our 2016 CNA- Melissa Margolis. Melissa was at camp for eleven years as a camper and counselor from 2003-2013 and th...

Camper Spotlight- April 2016

Our April Camper Spotlight features Sasha L. When Sasha first came to camp in the summer of 2015, she was living in Florida. Since then, she has move...

Chippy Trivia Quiz Answers- March 2016

Congratulations to Holly G, Caroline H, Charlie K, Sydney G, Kelsey B and Molly L for answering the March Quiz questions correctly! You will each be ...

Alumni Spotlight- April 2016

This month our Alumni Spotlight features Carly Leavitt Sheppard. Carly is one of the most spirited Chippies we have ever known and always had a ton o...

Ruthustration- April 2016

How awesome is this month’s Ruthustration?! Ruth did a fantastic job of depicting a neck-in-neck Pony Express race. The Tans and Whites seem to be on...

April Birthdays

Happy Birthday to the Following Chippies! May all of your good dreams come true :) *Denotes new camper April 1 Ariana S April 1 Talia S April 1 Sophi...