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Camper Spotlight- October 2021

Camper Spotlight- October 2021

Our October Camper Spotlight features Cate F! Cate is an all-around awesome camper who is always helping those around her find the fun at CRC. She is ...

Staff Spotlight- October 2021

Staff Spotlight- October 2021

Our October Staff Spotlight features Ellie Wise! Ellie is a counselor who always puts her campers first and genuinely cares about each and every perso...

October Birthdays!

October Birthdays!

Happy Birthday to the Following Chippies! May all of your good dreams come true :) *Denotes new camper or staff member October 3- Ro-Buishia October 5...

Chippy Trivia Quiz- September 2021

Chippy Trivia Quiz- September 2021

Here are the rules: Answer the questions below in an email to by October 15. You must answer all five questions correctly to win. Each winner will be...

Camper Spotlight- September 2021

Camper Spotlight- September 2021

Our September Camper Spotlight features Annie M! Annie is a a friend to all, and a camper who brings silliness and kindness to the CRC community. She ...

Staff Spotlight- September 2021

Staff Spotlight- September 2021

Our September Staff Spotlight features Ari Harkavy! Ari is a fantastic counselor who shows an incredible amount of care for and dedication to her camp...

September Birthdays!

September Birthdays!

Happy Birthday to the Following Chippies! May all of your good dreams come true :) *Denotes new camper or staff member September 2- Mari W September 4...