Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,
This evening, I am excited to share the below TSD entry from Alana Spaeth. Alana is pictured in the photo to the right (or below, depending on your device). She was a young camper in that picture but she is now an incredible counselor, a Ten Year Chippy Girl, and an all-around awesome human. A huge thank you to Alana for taking the time to write tonight’s entry…I know you will enjoy reading all about our day at #TheRanch2022 from her perspective. Have a great night!
Happy Camping and Love,

Dearest Chippies, Parents, Families and Friends,

Today marks one week since the arrival of the 2022 Chippies! Writing the diaries on this lovely day is Alana Spaeth! I serve as one of the swimming directors, and I love seeing campers of all ages jump into the lake and freshen up on skills in the water! It has been a wonderful day at CRC and I am excited to be sharing our day with all of you readers!

This morning, the cabin of Trailriders made their way to Mackinac Island, a favorite camping trip shared across every age group that’s experienced all the magic the island has to offer. Due to their departure, the cabin of Horseshoe Range was tasked with utilizing their swim period for just eleven campers. However, they made the absolute most of this time, and some even found themselves wanting to try out for white cap, a level of swimming filled with kids who adore swimming and perform incredibly well in the water. With try outs right around the corner, so many campers have expressed their hopes to audition and test out their abilities! This feeling is so rewarding as an activity head because it clearly shows how campers are motivated to improve their skills!

After a great morning of activities, we had a lunch we all love. Every Monday lunch is a picnic, which normally consists of different deli meats and snacks you could find with sandwiches! The outside scenery matches the mood of the meal and is loved by all. The sun was shining bright, and it was a perfect day for a sweet picnic!

Tonight’s evening program was a camp favorite, Pirate Night! Once a session, each cabin is assigned a different color to wear, and they search around camp to retrieve clues to the hidden treasure, whilst picking up flags located on all edges of Chippewa. The program is engaging, suspenseful, and oftentimes humorous when reflecting upon the journey each cabin takes! Not only does each cabin have the challenge of finding flags and clues, but pirates sneak up on each cabin throughout the game to scare them and even try and take campers to jail! In my cabin (Timber Walk), everyone was filled with excitement, and was entertained by the pirates to say the least. Despite a camper ending up in jail, each of them were hopeful and optimistic to achieve the prize at hand. With the amazing prize of a certificate allowing campers to skip the Sunday breakfast line, tensions were high at the Center Fire Circle. The lucky winners of Lucky-X and Lakeview were ecstatic to learn that they were the big winners of Pirate Night.

All in all, this was a spectacular Monday, and definitely won’t be the last of summer 2022. Seeing all campers and staff glowing in every corner of 8258 County O Road reminds me every day why so many of us gather here, at our home away from home, summer after summer. The magic that Chippewa has is undeniable and can’t be matched anywhere else. I simply couldn’t be more grateful and excited for the future weeks we have ahead of us, and it has been an absolute pleasure documenting today’s activities and more!

Happy Camping and Love,
Alana Spaeth