Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,

I have to jump right in because I am buzzing since leaving the theater after tonight’s Talent Show. It was seriously so amazing on so many levels, and from start to finish, it was an incredible display of talent, support and confidence! Each year, the Talent Show is a favorite because it is both entertaining and heartwarming. Tonight proved to be just that! The line-up included:

  • Lily R dancing to Cotton Eyed Joe, which has become an annual performance that we are positive will be requested for the rest of her camp career!
  • Naomi M, Reece M, Hudson G and Sydney Z danced to Salute and it was sooooo cute! They were awesome up there on stage and their costumes were perfect!
  • Sasha G and Hope F had a comedic performance of Before He Cheats…they sang and danced, and even had a costume change…it was really something special :).
  • Lucy B, Leni B, Sunny W and Layla L performed a dance to Tik Tok. They are all excellent dancers but what was most remarkable, was that even though it is only their second summer at camp, they really have the Chippy moves down pat!
  • Gemma F and Halen M did a dance to Darkside, and it was quite impressive! They were moving and grooving in sync.
  • Cameron H sang Rainbow, and I quite honestly couldn’t believe her voice…and that song gets me every time!
  • Maddie J, Ellie A and Annabelle K danced to High Hopes, and they were awesome!
  • Stella R did a dance-gymnastics combo performance to Timber, and the crowd was going wild!
  • Cora P shared a short comedy show with us, and her jokes were hilarious. My favorite was a knock-knock joke about interrupting ketchup…I 100% will be using this one in the future!
  • Noa C and Shiloh C danced to Lip Gloss and they looked like they had been practicing together for years.
  • And then Logan W and Ellie C, dressed in amazing costumes & neon wigs, danced to Teenage Dream. It was seriously adorable.
  • Annie F and Anabelle L got up on stage for a magic show. I will tell you that I was shocked to learn that the two of them knew magic. When they got on stage though, I learned that they actually don’t know magic…it was a “magic” show that was more of a comedy show. But it was certainly entertaining and the crowd loved it!
  • Charlotte H hopped up on stage to do a solo dance to Lip Gloss…it was brave and she demonstrated some serious talent!
  • Skylar G, Ava T, Ava L and Scarlett L danced to Party in the USA, and the audience was excitedly singing and clapping along!
  • Julia M, Emerson R, Teddy S, Lexi K and Chloe L did a dance to She Sets the City on Fire. They were dressed in red tutus, black tanks and these amazing Chippewa sunglasses…and their dance moves were legit!
  • Ivy S, Dylan C, Sloane M, Chloe M and Billie S then got up and did a very cool gymnastics routine…Sloane M even did a FLIP- it was crazy!
  • The next act was one that caught me by surprise in the best way possible- Maddie Z sang Lost Boy and she was unbelievable…I had no idea she had those pipes!
  • Avery O sang ABCs With a Twist. I had a preview from when she was on the Happy Camping and Love podcast but it was even better to see her up there on stage with all of her friends cheering her on!
  • Avery Z, Emma S, Lily Z and Mia R were the second to last performance of the night. They sang Me Too and had a wonderful dance to accompany the song. The entire camp was cheering and singing along; it was a very happy moment!
  • And to close it all out, Ro-buisha, Julia N and Annie M got up in their blow-up costumes (chicken, unicorn and dinosaur), and they danced to You Can’t Touch This. It was hysterical!

As you can tell, there was lots of goodness tonight! In addition to all of these marvelous performances, the spectators in the theater were attentive and engaged…they cheered at all the right times, laughed at most of the right times and high fived every performer as they got off stage. And then of course, I need to mention how special it is that campers young and old feel so comfortable at camp to get on stage and share their talents. Some have talents in the traditional sense of the word and others are just excited to get on stage, dress up, be silly with their friends and let loose. Regardless though, the courage that the Chippewa campers displayed on stage tonight was heartwarming, and the support their camp community showed them was simply lovely! We obviously ended the night with a Chippy Dance Party and it rocked!

In terms of the rest of the day leading up to the Talent Show, it was also superb. We had a pretty typical day until some weather hit at about 4pm when we had to head back to our cabins to wait out the rain. It was all good though- campers practiced for the talent show, played cards and got some good cabin bonding time. Before the rain though, some amazing things happened…

  • Eden G and Annie M officially became Chippy Bats (members of our elite waterski team)!
  • Cate M, Sadie G and Laney K all became members of the Gold Club at archery!
  • There was some serious Chippy theater at lunch, and Sydney Goldman got thrown in the lake!
  • Jillian M and Marli P each caught a fish on Dam Lake…Jillian even took the fish off the hook herself!
  • Lucy W and Mikki L lifted a ski for ten seconds and Alexis Rosen dropped a ski!
  • And during Rest Hour, we had Tan and White run-offs for Capture the Flag, which is coming up soon!

I know, I know…those of you still reading cannot believe all the good that was happening at #TheRanch2022 today. It almost seems like a day that was too good to be true…but it was true! We are looking forward to another fabulous day tomorrow, and probably the one after that, and the one after that! Thanks for reading- have a great night!

Happy Camping and Love,