Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,

The first day of activities at #TheRanch2022 certainly exceeded my expectations! The weather was absolutely perfect, and campers & staff alike were itching to get going with our daily routine. And we did just that! Here’s how it all went down…

The morning began with a birthday wake-up for Annie S, and was followed by a wonderful breakfast. And then things got real…the very first graded cabin clean-up of the summer. Some cabins take cabin clean-up very seriously, and their goal of earning the title of Honor Cabin is a big deal. Others are slightly less enthusiastic about cleaning their cabin each day, but we all know that it is necessary, so we go with it :).

After all of the cleaning excitement, first period began! Millie F caught the first fish of the summer on Dam Lake, Ashley R got up and around the lake on one ski…and she crossed the wakes, and campers were gliding across the Ninja Course. When I stopped by pottery, I was very impressed with the creative juices flowing, and at soccer, Coach Josh had amazing drills running. Camp was alive with campers from the north end to the south end loving life at CRC!

Turkey pesto paninis were a hit for lunch, and the cheering was quite vibrant in the lodge today. After a short rest period, afternoon activities began. I had the privilege of passing by the ski docks as veteran camper Julia F was getting on the boat to show new camper, Lila G, how waterskiing at Chippewa works. Julia got up, and it sounds like she is pretty close to passing a level…I have a good feeling it will happen soon! At the very same time, Shiloh C was trying her waterskiing skills for the first time on Dam Lake. Her cabinmates Reece M and Cora P were cheering her on as she was up on skis behind the boat.

There was lots of other good stuff happening all over camp, too many achievements to name in this post, but the day was just stupendous…like for real! And to top it all off, tonight was the Opening Staff Show! While I believe we always have a wonderful opening song, this year’s really shined. It was to the tune of “All-American Girl,” and the staff were jamming on stage singing loudly and proudly. Throughout the night, campers enjoyed watching their counselors showing off their talents on stage. Cliff played and sang “Right Field,” which is always a fan favorite; Milly and Olivea Crothers led the international & new staff in a funny and impressive dance; and returning age groups danced their hearts out on stage to some old-school hits. And of course, the senior staff danced to “She’s in Love with the Boy,” “Your Man” and “Move This.” Some of these dances have been performed in the Little Theater at staff shows for over twenty years…the tradition lives on, and each year, the 1st Year SCs are excited to join in on the fun.

Our day concluded with a HUGE Chippy Dance Party and some Main Street fun. Campers (plus Cliff and I) were playing Four Square, teatherball got intense, and the “spinny thing” was spinning like crazy! Camp is quiet now- everyone seemed excited to get another good night’s rest before the first day of B Day activities tomorrow. I have no doubt that it will be another thrilling day at CRC. Thanks for reading- get excited for Soph-Aloaf’s first post tomorrow night!

Happy Camping and Love,