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Camper Spotlight- April 2019

Lauren G is featured in our April Camper Spotlight! Lauren has worn a huge smile on her face since her first day of camp back in 2015. Ask any camper...

Chippy Trivia Quiz Answers- March 2019

Congratulations to Molly P, Lila K, Samantha G, Lindsay A, Lily R, Lola S, Summer W, Simone C, Maisy M, Sammy K, Emma D, Chloe W, Samantha F, Zoey S,...

Staff Spotlight- April 2019

Sammie Taxman is featured in the April Staff Spotlight. We feel very lucky to have Sammie as a part of our staff team once again this summer. She is ...

April Birthdays!

Happy Birthday to the Following Chippies! May all of your good dreams come true :) *Denotes new camper or staff member April 1 Ariana S April 1 Talia...

Chippy Trivia Quiz- March 2019

_ Here are the rules: _ Answer all of the questions below by emailing Sari at by April 15. You must answer all five questions correctly to win. Each...

Chippy Trivia Quiz Answers- January 2019

Congratulations to Lily R for being the only Chippy to answer the January Quiz questions correctly! Lily, you will be entered in the Cathy’s raffle a...

March Birthdays!

Happy Birthday to the Following Chippies! May all of your good dreams come true :) *Denotes new camper March 6 Lucy G March 7 Lindsay B March 7 Bryna...