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The Sari Diaries- Saturday 8/3/19

Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends, We had a wonderful day at #TheRanch2019…enjoy tonight’s podcast which details the happenings of our day ...

The Sari Diaries- Friday 8/2/19

Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends, It was a magical day at Chippewa today and I am going to give you a quick rundown followed by a small ded...

The Sari Diaries - Thursday 8/1/19

Dearest Chippies, I feel like a broken record this summer, always bragging about how amazing #TheRanch2019 is… but it really is true. It’s almost har...

The Sari Diaries- Wednesday 7/31/19

Dear Chippies, Parents, Family, Friends, Here we go- the description of another out of this world day at #TheRanch2019. I mean seriously, I don’t kno...

The Sari Diaries- Tuesday 7/30/19

Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends, Tonight’s podcast features some very happy Chippies sharing stories about their days at #TheRanch2019. W...

The Sari Diaries- Monday 7/29/19

Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends, We had a truly lovely day at CRC- between the amazing weather and all of the program/activity excitement,...

The Sari Diaries- Sunday 7/28/19

Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends, Tonight I am getting a little bit of a late start in writing to all of you, so although there are soooooo...