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Alumni Spotlight- January 2015

Our January Alumni Spotlight features Elizabeth Much. Elizabeth was at camp in the ’70s and is an active & enthusiastic alum. Cliff and Sari got ...

January Quiz

Here are the rules: Answer all of the questions below by emailing Sari at by February 19th. You must answer all six questions (five plus the bonus) ...

December Quiz Answers

Congratulations to George Fountain, Halle G, Zoey S, Samantha F, Jamie S, Sara M, Dani H, Maya H, Ari H, Emily C, Caroline H, Lauren G and Dylan S. E...

Staff Spotlight- January 2015

The month’s Staff Spotlight features Claire Schwartz! Claire was an amazing camper and is currently an awesome counselor and activity instructor. She...

Camper Spotlight- January 2015

This month’s Camper Spotlight features Zoey J who is an awesome Chippy camper. She is one of the most spirited campers at camp and has a truly kind h...

January Birthdays

Happy Birthday to the Following Chippies! May all of your good dreams come true :). *Denotes new camper January 3 Sophie Finlinson January 5 Faye Ber...

Alumni Spotlight- December 2014

Our December Alumni Spotlight features Ashley Ackerman. Ashley was an amazing Chippewa camper and counselor who came to CRC from Cincinnati. Her love...