Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,
The first day of July has come and gone, and despite the chill in the air, it was a wonderful day at CRC!

- After breakfast this morning, we headed to the Center Fire Circle to find out who the 2015 UN Day Captains are. United Nations Day is a program that has been around at Chippewa for over thirty years. The camp is divided into four different countries and the teams compete all day long in various activities ranging from leg wrestling to flag football and from banner making to log rolling. It is an incredibly spirited day and the captains are at the forefront leading their teams. Each team has a Colt and Wrangler Village captain along with a staff advisor. This year, the Colt Village captains are Grace F, Sydney H, Abigail W and Shira K. The Wrangler Village captains are Ellie M, Blair P, Diana J and Kate S. These campers have all demonstrated compassion, sportsmanship, spirit and many other positive qualities throughout their time at camp, and the staff have chosen them to represent their villages on this special day. It is quite an honor and we are very proud of and excited for them!

- Today’s activities were well above average. At cooking they made cake balls, at riding they played Simon Says, in Horse Care they learned how to close down a barn and at arts & crafts they made tornado bottles. All over camp, Chippies could be seen making the most of their activity time, and truly appreciating life in the North Woods!

- We had Tan & White Counselor Hunt this evening and it was awesome. Staff hid all over camp and in some of the best hiding spots I have ever seen! Young campers were paired with older campers and they searched camp high and low trying to find the staff. Counselors were found in the woods, in the refrigerator in the staff retreat and in the attics of cabins. There were a couple of staff members who had exceptional camouflage skills and were not found…that’s pretty impressive when there are close to 200 campers looking for you! While both teams did a fantastic job, the Whites were the big winners tonight!
That’s about it for today’s highlights- it was an excellent day at #TheRanch2015. This is a happy place to be…staff and campers alike are thrilled to be here and there is such a positive vibe floating in the air! Thanks for taking the time to read tonight :).
Happy Camping and Love,