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The Sari Diaries- Monday 6/27/22

The Sari Diaries- Monday 6/27/22

Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends, This evening, I am excited to share the below TSD entry from Alana Spaeth. Alana is pictured in the photo ...

The Sari Diaries- Sunday 6/26/22

The Sari Diaries- Sunday 6/26/22

Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends, Week One at #TheRanch2022 is officially complete, and if this is any indication of what the remaining seve...

The Sari Diaries- Saturday 6/25/22

The Sari Diaries- Saturday 6/25/22

Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends, Please enjoy our very first podcast of the summer…it will give you all the details about our amazing day a...

The Sari Diaries- Friday 6/24/22

The Sari Diaries- Friday 6/24/22

Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends, Happy Friday! It was a wonderful day at CRC, and while it was definitely a day for reflection in our commu...

The Sari Diaries- Thursday 6/23/22

The Sari Diaries- Thursday 6/23/22

Dearest Chippies, It’s me, Soph Aloaf—back and better than ever. Let me just start out by saying that WOW am I happy to be back writing to you all. Th...

The Sari Diaries- Wednesday 6/22/22

The Sari Diaries- Wednesday 6/22/22

Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends, The first day of activities at #TheRanch2022 certainly exceeded my expectations! The weather was absolutel...

The Sari Diaries- Tuesday 6/21/22

The Sari Diaries- Tuesday 6/21/22

Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends, Our first full day at #TheRanch2022 was a busy one and it was a huge success. From morning wake-up to cele...