Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,

Our last Friday at #TheRanch2022 has come and gone. It was a lovely day complete with a full slate of activities, a legit rest hour and a campfire. If you are interested in the nitty-gritty details, I encourage you to read on .

At activities today, there was a lot of excitement! At fishing this morning, six fish were caught, including Charlotte H catching her first on Dam Lake. And at skiing, Léa W dropped a ski for ten seconds, Teddy S dropped a ski and got around the lake, Emerson R got up for ten seconds on one ski, and Juliet G crossed the wakes on two skis. Something amazing also happened today…Sydney B, after a great deal of hard work, officially became a Blue Cap in swimming!

As for my personal experience today, after lunch, I had a couple visitors in the office. Layla L, Scarlett C and Sloane M stopped by to say hey. Little did they know they were in for an all-around camp adventure. We started by heading down the wall and ropes trail towards to Uncle Sheddie to check on a package. We then headed all the way to my cabin to pick something up and then we ended with them dropping me off at the office and them running an errand down to the Health Center. While they probably didn’t think much of it, it was a very happy fifteen minutes of my day. I was loved listening to the three of them chatting with each other, asking me all sorts of questions and hearing their perspective on the end of summer nearing. It was a sweet little reminder of how important our summers at CRC are, and that campers, even at age ten are soaking in every little thing that happens around here.

This evening we had our final Friday Night Campfire. The theme was Integrity and it was a good one. Caroline S led us and there were tons of other participants. The CR-Singers sang “Imagine” and “One Tin Soldier,” Leah & Smoss sang “I Won’t Give Up,” and the first year SCs led us in “Puff The Magic Dragon.” Julia N read my very favorite campfire story- The Seed King, and Sadie S & Kirsty Forbes both wrote and shared sermonettes about integrity. During the campfire, we also had a coin ceremony where a number of Chippies were honored. The coin recipients and the coin they earned were:

Charlotte H- Impact Coin Danielle K- Work Ethic Coin Millie F- Humility Coin Yael S- Determination Coin Ruthie L- Compassion Coin Cate F- Courage Coin Lucy B- Enthusiasm Coin Cayla B- Growth Coin

Each of these young people have demonstrated qualities that we value at CRC. They have been nominated by fellow campers and/or counselors, and we as directors have witnessed them exemplify these characteristics on a consistent basis.

The campfire ended with a really special Keylog Ceremony. Reese N threw in a keylog for Samantha Graines and Lexi Golding for building and caring for an amazing fire. I love that she was thoughtful enough to notice even the little things at a campfire that we so often take for granted. Now I will admit, tonight’s fire was exceptional…but still, it’s pretty cool that Reese not only noticed it but also took the time to thank them for it. Another keylog highlight was from Leah Berns who threw a keylog in for Peyton H who has been working very hard at swimming, and she loves the hour that they get to spend together in the lake swimming each day.

And that was our day around here. It was a good one for sure but I do have one complaint…time is just going by way too quickly. If anybody has a way to slow things down, we at 8258 County O would greatly appreciate it. Okay, that’s all for now- thanks for reading!

Happy Camping and Love,