Sydney Lieberman

8th Summer

My name is Sydney but people at camp call me Syd. This year will be my 8th summer at Chippewa. I am from Highland Park, IL and am currently a junior at Highland Park High School. Outside of camp, I am involved with HPHS Poms and Dance Show. One thing not a lot of people know about me is that green is my favorite color.

This summer at camp, I will be teaching sailing. I like teaching this activity because it was my favorite activity as a camper. My favorite camp meal is BBQ and my favorite Cathy’s flavor is Jolted Cow. Lip Sync is my favorite Evening Program because I love watching my campers perform. I love being a Chippy because Chippewa is the best place on earth! I am most excited for the summer of 2025 because I get to be with all of my best friends!