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Maddie Stevens

7th Summer

My name is Maddie but people at camp call me Mads. This year will be my 7th summer at Chippewa. I am from Highland Park, IL and am currently a sophomore at Highland Park High School. Outside of camp, I like to play soccer or hang with friends and family. One thing not a lot of people know about me is that I am a twin!

This summer at camp, I will be teaching sailing. I like teaching this activity because I remember when I first learned to sail at camp, and memories of sailing with friends are some of my favorite memories from camp. My favorite camp meal is chicken fingers and fries and my favorite Cathy’s flavor is Jolted Cow. Realm is my favorite Evening Program because it is so exciting and intense. I love being a Chippy because I get to spend my summers with the best people. I am most excited for the summer of 2025 because I can’t wait to make memories with my campers and friends. I am also so excited to be at camp with my sister and younger cousins!

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