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Lily Garfinkel

9th Summer

My name is Lily and this year will be my 9th summer at Chippewa! I am from Nashville, Tennessee and I am currently a junior at Harpeth Hall. Outside of camp, I do rowing, running, and I love hanging out with my friends. One thing not a lot of people know about me is that I have two dogs.

This summer at camp, I will be teaching sailing and skiing. I love teaching these activities because they were always my favorite as a camper. My favorite camp meal is paninis and my favorite Cathy’s flavor is Brownie S’more. Songfest is my favorite Evening Program because I like to watch each team’s performance and see how hard everyone worked. I love being a Chippy because camp has given me the chance to make so many new friends and to be myself. I am most excited for the summer of 2025 because I can’t wait to see all my campers and friends!

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