Jayden Greenfield

7th Summer

My name is Jayden and this year will be my 7th summer at Chippewa. I am from Deerfield, IL and am currently a student at Deerfield High School. Outside of camp, I like to play field hockey and lacrosse. One thing not a lot of people know about me is that I love roller coasters!!

This summer at camp, I will be teaching sailing. I like teaching this activity because I loved to go sailing every summer with my best friends as a camper. My favorite camp meal is chicken fingers and my favorite Cathy’s flavor is Pirate’s Bounty. Tan & White is my favorite Evening Program because I love how everyone gets so into it. I love being a Chippy because I am surrounded by the best people. I am most excited for the summer of 2025 because I love being with my best friends in the best place ever!!!