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Emmie Dubin

8th Summer

My name is Emmie and this year will be my 8th summer at Chippewa. I am from Highland Park, IL and am currently a student at Highland Park High School. Outside of camp, I am involved with Lacrosse and Model UN. One thing not a lot of people know about me is that I have a twin brother.

This summer at camp, I will be teaching running, swimming, and sailing! I like teaching these activities because I love the waterfront. My favorite camp meal is grilled cheese and my favorite Cathy’s flavor is Jolted Cow. Lip Sync is my favorite Evening Program because I enjoy getting dressed up and performing with my friends! I love being a Chippy because I get to call this place my home. I am most excited for the summer of 2024 because I miss my friends and hope to make many more memories.

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