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Chippy Trivia Quiz- October 2016

_ Here are the rules: _ Answer all of the questions below by emailing Sari at by November 1. You must answer all five questions correctly to win. Ea...

October Birthdays

Happy Birthday to the Following Chippies! May all of your good dreams come true :) *Denotes New Camper October 1 Kenny D October 1 Charley H October ...

Camp Moves Me!

Attention all Chippy Campers, Staff, Parents and Alumni… We invite you to join us in raising money to help send kids to camp. As you know, Chippewa wo...

Soaking in CRC

A THANKS TO OUR PARENTS I can actually still remember my very first Day at Chippewa Ranch Camp. It was a day very similar to the last of camp this su...

The Sari Diaries- Thursday 8/11/16

My name is Sari Hirsch and this is my twenty-fourth summer at camp. I throw this keylog in for… Where do I even begin? As I sit in the office on thi...

The Sari Diaries- Wednesday 8/10/16

Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends, So Final Banquet is over, we sang the final Creed and watched the CRC effigy burn in the North Field. Th...

The Sari Diaries- Tuesday 8/9/16

Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends, While there is still plenty of camping left, I can’t help but feel reflective, nostalgic and sad. Soph-A...