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The Sari Diaries- Wednesday 6/21/17

Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends, It was another incredible day around here and I am writing to you pretty tired after leaving the first d...

The Sari Diaries- Tuesday 6/20/17

Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends, I write to you after our first full day at #TheRanch2017, and let me tell you, it was a good one! As cam...

The Sari Diaries- Monday 6/19/17

Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends, Wow- this place is amazing! It has been less than twelve hours since the first campers arrived at #TheRa...

Chippy Trivia Quiz- May 2017

_ Here are the rules: _ Answer all of the questions below by emailing Sari at by June 15. You must answer all five questions correctly to win. Each ...

May Birthdays

Happy Birthday to the Following Chippies! May all of your good dreams come true :) *Denotes new camper or staff member May 1 *Jackie K May 1 Alex K M...

April Birthdays

Happy Birthday to the Following Chippies! May all of your good dreams come true :) *Denotes new camper April 1 Ariana S April 1 Talia S April 1 Sophi...

Camper Spotlight- March 2017

Our March Camper Spotlight features Violet S. Violet has been a Chippy her entire life and basically has Chippewa in her blood. Her mother went to ca...