This month’s Alumni Spotlight features Jami (Gitles) Hoorwitz! Although Jami’s last summer at CRC was 2013, her love of camp endures. She is a dedicated and enthusiastic Chippy, and future Chippy Mom to her daughter, Sunny. We absolutely love having Jami as a part of our CRC alumni community and can’t wait for her to join us at camp for the 80th Alumni Reunion this summer! Read below to learn all about Jami’s time at Chippewa as well as about her life in New York!

What years were you at CRC?
2004 until 2013.

Which summer was your favorite and why?
My favorite summers both happened in Trailriders, when I was a camper in 2008 and when I was a counselor in 2013.

When I was a camper, it was so much fun combining to be one age group. During 2nd session, we had a smaller group so we were able to put all the bunks against the wall. We used the middle to play volleyball and be all kinds of silly.

In 2013, I was one of 6 counselors in Trailriders with campers I had been with since my CIT summer. It was the best time, making up dances and games, including making our own Colorama day (it was no longer a Tan and White game by then).

What is your favorite camp memory?
How do I even pick?? Hanging out on porches, stationary blackjack, being on the ski docks, cheering for food in the mess hall, being at camp with my sister, sacrificing people and throwing them in the lake, making up songs and dances that are still get stuck in my head…

What was your favorite activity at camp?
Waterskiing - I am a Chippy Bat, hear me roar!!

Were you a Tan or a White?
Go White!!

How do you keep in touch with your camp friends?
My age group has a group chat that we talk in constantly!

Where do you live now?
New York City.

What do you do?
I am a media strategist, I work with clients to effectively and efficiently advertise media based on their goals.

What do you miss most about camp?
Being disconnected from the rest of the world with your best friends in the most magical place.

What are you most looking forward to about Alumni Camp?
Same as the last question… oh, and hanging on the blob! I cannot wait for the 80th celebration.

Anything else you want to share with your Chippy family?
Camp is truly such a special place that you carry with you the rest of your life. I am so lucky to have gone to Chippewa and cannot wait to share all the traditions with my 4 month old daughter, Sunny. We already sing all the cheers, the creed, and Tom Pease. Belly Button is her favorite. Looking forward to seeing everyone at camp this summer!!!!