Our September Camper Spotlight features Emma and Chloe A! Emma and Chloe are spirited, compassionate and inclusive members of the CRC community. They bring enthusiasm and kindness to Chippewa each summer, and their love of camp and care for those around them is evident in all they do. We are grateful for all they have added to camp in their time as Chippies, and we can’t wait for them to be back in 2025 (and for many more years to come)! Read below to learn more about Emma and Chloe’s love of CRC and their life in the off-season.

What cabin were you in during the summer of 2024?
Emma: Bowed Legs!
Chloe: Lucky-X!

How many summers have you been at camp?
Emma: I’ve been at camp for 4 summers.
Chloe: I’ve been going to camp for 3 summers.

What do you love most about camp?
Emma: I love seeing all of my friends that I don’t see over the year.
Chloe: I love going back to camp each summer and seeing my friends that I haven’t seen all year.

What is your favorite memory from the summer of 2024?
Emma: My favorite memory was during the 4th of July. Instead of covering ourselves in paint, me and my friends decided to roll around in the mud and throw it at each other. We all jumped in the lake right after!
Chloe: My favorite memory was making the really big rainbow loom, and playing card games with my friends.

How do you stay in touch with your camp friends during the year?
Emma: We try to have cabin meet-ups when everyone is in town. Otherwise we call or text each other.
Chloe: We text and FaceTime on our “Chippy Chat” group text :)

What is your favorite subject in school?
Emma: My favorite subject is ELA (English).
Chloe: My favorite subject is Reading.

What activities do you participate in during the year?
Emma: I dance competitively in hip hop, jazz and lyrical.
Chloe: Dance!

What are you most looking forward to in the summer of 2025?
Emma: I’m really excited to be in Trailriders next summer with my entire age group :)
Chloe: Coming back to camp and seeing my friends, and doing all sorts of activities I couldn’t do all year.

Is there anything else you want to share with your Chippy family?
Chloe: I’ve had one of the greatest summers of my life at Chippewa and I’m SO EXCITED to be back for 8 weeks (again) next year!