Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,

It has been a lovely day at #TheRanch2024 and I am excited to debrief with all of you tonight. Here’s how it all went down…

-Breakfast- Chocolate Chip Pancakes & Bacon
-Lunch- Turkey Pesto Paninis
-Dinner- BBQ!

Skiing Achievements:
-Jayden E got up and around the lake on two skis!
-Grace M dropped a ski, crossed the wakes on one ski and then got up and around the lake on one ski!

Chippy Birthdays:
-Mia G’s 15th birthday!

Details of the Day:
This morning we enjoyed a chilly first and second period. Despite the cool air, campers were eager to make the most of our regular A-Day activities. Campers sailed, SUP’d, ropes coursed, baked and archery’d. It was fun and there was a positive energy buzzing all throughout Chippyland.

This afternoon was a bit unique…somewhat of a mish mosh if you will. After lunch we had our all-camp photo, second generation photo, cabin photos and sibling photos. There is weird phenomenon at CRC- no matter the weather leading up to the all-camp photo, when it comes time to take that all-camp photo, the sun beams down and the air gets warm. I legit cannot remember a picture day that this wasn’t the case…kind of crazy!

Next up in the afternoon we had a Coin Ceremony. There were five very well deserving coin recipients tonight- Ava F received the Catalyst Coin, Willow K received the Advocacy Coin, Naomi R received the Strength Coin, Charlotte Duffin received the Leadership Coin and Luke Bailey received the Kindness Coin. It was a fantastic ceremony in which these five individuals were honored for all that they give to our community. One of the best parts was when Charlie M heard that Ava F had earned a coin…her face lit up with excitement for her new friend and cabinmate…it was very sweet!

We then moved into third period and Songfest practice. Campers are getting all ready for the big Tan and White Songfest performance tomorrow night…it should be amazing! So yeah- as you can tell, the afternoon was a little bit of this and a little bit of that…something for everybody!

This evening we headed over to Camp Menominee for the annual Chippewa-Menominee color run. We had a blast running through Menominee’s field as colored powder was thrown all around. We had some campers who did an excellent job of avoiding the colored powder and others who looked like they showered in it. It was fun and it was funny…a great night for sure!

And that was our day of love and Sisterhood at #TheRanch2024. We had a good time, we achieved a great deal and fit a lot into a short little day. More to come tomorrow but that’s all for now. Thanks for reading- goodnight, Chippies!

Happy Camping,