Dearest Chippies,

What a whirlwind of a day is has been here at CRC! I guess that’s par for the course after the quickest session in Chippewa history. I am in genuine shock over how fast this summer is flying… but let me make one thing clear: while the days may be fast, they are certainly not short on great times, loud laughs and lots of fun. With each passing day, there are countless activity-based accomplishments, acts of kindness, and memories created that will last a lifetime. Campers and staff alike have leaned into this summer’s theme of sisterhood, and there are strong connections to show for it. How lucky are we!!

And would you look at me—back to my old ways of rambling… I will cut to the chase and talk about all of the amazing things that happened at camp today!

This morning, the sun was shining bright (finally), and campers made the most of their final two periods of regular activities this session. Two Lakeview campers made it into the Gold Club at Archery, Ellie M crossed the wakes on two skis for the first time, and the Tru Blu was the hotspot of the Ropes Course. From my desk in the office, I could hear the enthusiasm outside. Lots of kids swinging and spinning on the playground, enjoying time with their cabin mates. It’s those kinds of in between moments of friendship in action that are some of my favorites to witness!

After lunch, we had our final Tan & White game of the session: Egg Marathon. Egg Marathon is a relay race that spans all of camp. Throughout the afternoon, Tans and Whites ran from the basketball courts to the climbing wall to sailing to the stables carrying a backpack with an egg inside. As campers completed different activities around camp, the collective goal was to protect their team’s egg from cracking. If it cracked, the Egg Heads (Ava L and Leah C for the Tan team and Ivy R and Lucy B for the White team) had to run to the Main House and get a new one. The race was neck in neck for a long time, with the Tans pulling a slight lead about halfway through. To end the race, the Grand and Chief Sachems for both teams built INCREDIBLE fires—and when the Tan team won, all of the Sachems and team members showed great sportsmanship and grace. It was a wonderful way to end the session of Tan & White!

After Egg Marathon, Four Week Honor Cabin was announced. Copper Stripes and Horseshoe were the Colt and Wrangler winners, respectively. Their sparkling clean cabins earned them a big scoop of Cathy’s… the best finish to a hot day!

And then, to end this epic day, we had one of—if not THE—most popular evening program of the summer… Lip Sync! Each cabin ascended Sophie’s Center Stage to perform a dance for the entire camp. It was clear from my seat at the Judge’s Table that campers have put a lot of time and effort into these performances. The costumes were amazing, the song choices were creative, and the dances were inventive and in sync. Lip Sync is one of my favorite activities to watch for the pure joy that spreads across the performers’ faces. The energy is magnetic, and you can’t help but smile from ear to ear from wherever you sit in the audience. During this evening’s competition, Rafter^X and C-C took the W. They also enjoyed themselves a trip to Cathy’s to celebrate!

And with that, my recap of today is complete. Camp is quiet as campers and staff rest up for the last day of the session. It was a great day to end a greater week, and I am certain that many more of both are to come during second session.

Thanks for reading. I am looking forward to seeing many of you on Friday!

Soph Aloaf