Liv W and Tatum G studying the Realm Season 8: Burn Guidebook...

Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,

Realm Season 8: Burn is upon us. It has been a day of glory for the Chippewa Sisterhood. Below are some details of the day along with an explanation of Realm. But let me just tell you…I know, there is no understanding the full scope of this game unless you are living it…and even then, it’s complicated!

Meals: -Breakfast- Pancakes & Bacon
-Lunch- Potato’s and Chili
-Dinner- Taco Tuesday!

Chippy Birthday: -Ayden S’s 15th birthday!

Realm Explanation: “Realm is a game of strategy, defensive control, offensive power and sneaky, thoughtful engagement. Every participant has a critical role in this game, and each of their responsibilities will prove important for their team’s ability to win.”
-Realm Season 8: Burn Guidebook

-This year’s Realm Guidebook is 164 pages…yes, you read that correctly, 164 pages of content are what make up the explanation of this complicated and intricate game. Yet there is a camp full of campers, ages seven through sixteen, aided by a staff of 115 running around CRC with purpose and passion. Each and every camper knows her own role, and some campers understand her role within the game at large.

Charlie M mining Thorium Ore!

-The game begins with the Tan’s on the North end of camp, and the White’s on the South end of camp. On each side (or Realm), there is a castle and there are houses. Within the castle, there is a round table, which is comprised of the Grand Sachem, the Chief Sachem, the Warden (staff advisor), the Treasurer, the Chancellor, the Sheriff, and the Guild Officer. And each house has an industry- there is a Fish Hatchery House, a Poultry House, a Mining House, a Tropical House, a Bee Keeping House and an Apothecary House. There are five or six Braves (ages 10 and under) at each house accompanied by two House Neutrals (staff members). Each house has instructions on how to manage their industry, make money (Twills), and help their team. Meanwhile, the round tables of each team can send armies out using energy stones to defend their own houses or attack the other team’s houses…when it is their turn. The armies are made up of Warriors and Chiefs (ages 13-16), and within each army, there are Medics, Knights and Long Bowers. On an attack, armies are trying to hit the two targets on the house they are attacking. Meanwhile, the defense can get them out using cannon balls (dodgeballs) and pulling their flags. Each cannon ball has a different significance…some send you to the hospital (where your team can save you with medication from the pharmacy, or you can wait out your illness) and others send you to the jail (where you can escape or wait out your sentence). All the while, the Hunters (11 & 12 year-olds) are acting as spies. They are helping with house attacks, searching the woods for clues/treasures and spying on the other team for intel. Possibly most exciting for some campers is the action on Chippindel (Main Street Chippewa). There is a shop to purchase snacks from Lisa, Jen’s Beckery where campers can purchase baked goods from Jen, there is an artillery shop, there is a butcher, a pharmacy and more. There is lots of action in Chippendel- it is decorated and there is music playing…it is an amazing scene…picture a Disney World-esque walkway.

Logan K visiting Chippindel!

-In addition to all of this, there is a very intricate economy. Houses can become Manors when they have saved enough money and risen to a certain level. Once a Manor, they can choose to go public, which allows others to invest in their Manor.

-All of this is only scratching the surface of what is evolving in this two-day mega game that we call Realm.

Highlights of Day 1- Realm Season 8: Burn
-Before the game began, there was an awesome Cornucopia where Sachems and Advisors each had fifteen seconds to grab as many Realm supplies as they could get their hands on…it was intense!

-New campers Logan K, Nora C, Cora B, Ava R and Cary K were all heads of their houses at the start of the game…a huge honor!

-Spies Sloane M & Julia F found a voucher for Cathy’s, and they each enjoyed a scoop after lunch. Later in the day, Ruby F, Amelia F, Blake W and Yael S found these rare vouchers in the woods, and they gobbled their ice cream down after dinner.

-Late this afternoon, there was a court case regarding a snafu with a dragon. There were Braves, Hunters, Warriors, Chiefs, House Neutrals and Realm Dev Team members in the room to figure out just what happened, and how to make it right.

White Army and Spies heading out on an attack!

-In a single attack, Sophie B took out both targets of the Tan Fish Hatchery House turning the house over to the White Team. Mia G then did the same exact thing allowing the Tans to take it right back.

-Laney K and Stella S were officially trained as Long Bowers late this afternoon!

-Jilly C hit Jayden G (a Knight) with a hospital ball while attacking a house. This is her first year in an army (Navy Army), so this is a major achievement!

-The White Mining House got to the highest level and began mining Thorium Ore. Charlie M had to suit up to mine this dangerous material and nobody could be within a twenty-foot radius. The Tan Armies have been trying to take this house down but the White Tie Dye Army aided by a number of Hunter Spies and the very determined Braves from the Mining House defended that house with their lives. Shay S pulled multiple Tan Army flags including Long Bower, Laney K’s…it was huge!

Visiting Jen's Beckery!

-After dinner the White Miners finished mining the Thorium Ore, brought it to Central Therapeutics, and met Chief Sachem, Maddyn C there. They then went down to the waterfront where Maddyn acquired the Radiation Cannon in full PPE. It was a big moment!

-Almost simultaneously, something very rare occurred- Fiona B and Leah C worked together to pull a flag from the White Grand Sachem, Sydney L. The Grand Sachem wears four flags, and if all four get pulled, the game is over. This is part of the reason the Grand has her own Knight…for her and her flags’ protection. Sydney still has three flags left, so no need for panic…but still a significant occurrence in this game!

What I can tell you for certain, is that although I am unable to describe this piece of the Chippewa experience in a way that does it justice, campers and staff here are in it! There are eight year-olds strategizing with sixteen year-olds. There are ten year-olds taking eight year-olds under their wing to ensure they are understanding and enjoying the game. And there are campers of all ages taking this game as seriously as anything I have ever seen in my life…Realm is life I guess!

It has been a wonderful 24 hours of Realm thus far. Tomorrow promises to be full of even more excitement and fun…the game’s narrative has officially developed and I cannot wait to see where things head throughout day two. There will undoubtedly be a Castle Attack and some grand finale that ends this game in an exhilarating way…I know it!

For now though, that’s all from Realm Season 8: Burn at #TheRanch2024…goodnight, Chippies!

Happy Camping and Love,