Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,

I hope you all had a lovely day! I know we did at #TheRanch2024…let me tell you all about it!

-Breakfast- Waffles & Bacon
-Lunch- Chili & Potatoes
-Dinner- Cheese Tortellini

Skiing Achievements
-Dylan B got up and around on two skis.
-Harper M crossed the wakes on two skis.
-Liv K dropped a ski.
-Jilly C got up and around the lake on one ski and crossed the wakes on one ski.

Details of the Day
Today was our first day of regular actvities and we dove right into our “B Days.” The weather was perfect- warm enough to get in the lake but not too warm to enjoy land activities. Some are saying its because we did a special self-made rain storm at our Opening Friendship Fire on Sunday…who knows, maybe it’s true!

At lunch, big and little sisters dined together. It was a very cute scene as new and veteran campers asked questions of one another, cheered, giggled and chit chatted throughout the meal.

One major exciting moment was when Lisa announced that her Sour Cherry Balls were back in stock. During Rest Period, there was a huge line out the door…as always, each camper got two Sour Cherry Balls, and those who are new to CRC learned the Chippewa way to eat a Sour Cherry Ball :).

This afternoon, I got to witness a pretty special moment- as Shay C was heading back to Rafter^X to grab some of her things for Compass Point Hangout, Hayden W intercepted her to see what she was doing. When Shay explained where she was going, Hayden offered to join her because she also had Compass Point Hangout. It was pretty cool to see nine year-old Hayden being a Chippewa ambassador- acting as the older camper to help Shay…way to go Hayden!

This afternoon was the main event- Big & Little Sister Night! And it was awesome…big and little sisters were running around camp in matching costumes competing in all sorts of events against other big and little sister pairs. There was a handshake contest, name that tune, line soccer and more. At the end of the night, everybody gathered in the theater to watch the finalists in a big & little sister trivia contest. The facts that these big and little sisters knew about one another was quite impressive! In the end, Stella S and Ava L were the big winners. They will head to Cathy’s tomorrow with the CITs to celebrate their victory!

So that’s all from 8258 County O. It has been a wonderful day filled with both tangible Sisterhood and metaphorical Sisterhood. Thanks for reading tonight- stay tuned for more tomorrow!

Happy Camping and Love,