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Dearest Chippies,

Hello from second session CRC! After two Wednesday posts in a row, I am ecstatic to be joining you on this fine Thursday evening. The past few days have been filled with that intangible yet magical excitement that makes each day at camp better than the last. Second session campers have settled into camp life swimmingly and the vibes are immaculate. Today was a fantastic day filled with many exciting achievements and experiences. Let’s get into the details…

Today was a warm, rain-free day at Chippewa. This in itself—especially this summer—is the foundation of an incredible day. Right after breakfast, I crossed paths with Chloe W and Dylan H as they were on their way to the office to retrieve their Cabin Clean-Up supplies. They told me about how proud they were to have received the score of 95 the day before. On the spot, we made a deal that Rafter^X could earn a s’mores party if they got 100 before the session was over. And not to jump out of order on the events of the day… but if you fast forward to after lunch, much to my (and their) surprise… they got a 100 TODAY! There was a lot of excitement in the mess hall when that was announced. All I have to say is that it’s a good thing we keep a stock of s’mores supplies on hand at all times!

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But that’s not all… this morning at Pottery, Reese L and Zoey Y created a skiing scene out of clay. Additionally, Dylan H had a private basketball lesson from Lauren G, and Sutton G and Schuyler C got up on two skis for 10 seconds! Throughout the day, I was visited by various groups of campers who shared stories and laughs galore. The hot topic around camp is each cabin’s choice of Lip Sync song. Lip Sync is coming up next week, and campers (and counselors) have already geared up to put their best foot forward.

After lunch, we had the first Coin Ceremony of the session. All second session campers were awarded with the Annual Coin that represents this summer’s theme of Sisterhood. All first-time campers were also presented with a Growth Coin to acknowledge the courage it takes to come to camp as well the growth that happens by taking such a leap of faith. As I took photos of the campers after they received their Coins, I couldn’t help but notice the pride and happiness spread across each of their faces. It was clear that each Chippy who accepted their Coin did so with an understanding and appreciation of what lies ahead in their CRC career. Snapping their photos, I felt pride myself that this is the future of the Chippewa community!

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We ended the day with just as much excitement as we began it with. DJ Arianna returned for the second year in a row for an EPIC Chippy Dance Party on the South Field. Campers and counselors danced their hearts out, trying to earn t-shirts and make it onto the dance platform. It was a night of good, old-fashioned fun… the best kind of night!

That’s all I’ve got for you this evening. Long story short: it was a good one. Dare I say, a REALLY good one. And while the last thing I want to do is wish away time, I look forward to joining you all back on this screen next week. Talk to you then!

Soph Aloaf