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Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,

I find it hard to believe that I am writing to you on the final night of week three. These past three weeks have flown by- I am not quite sure how we got to this place where campers are already trying to soak in every moment because they know that the end of the session is near. But alas, we are here…so we will do our best to live it up, enjoy the Chippewa Sisterhood and appreciate each and every moment we have left in this session at #TheRanch2024. And here is how we did that today…

Breakfast- Sunday Morning Breakfast
Lunch- Mac & Cheese and Corn Dogs
Dinner- Pizza

Annie H’s 14th Birthday!

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Details of the Day
This morning, Sunday breakfast was the usual amazingness that pancakes, omelets and scrambles to order provide. A quick shout-out to Haddie I for her order…a cheesy scramble with Oreo crumbles on the side. I have to admit that her order took me by surprise. While it isn’t typical for us to mix the sweet treats from the pancake side of the operation with a savory scramble, for this creative order, we made it happen!

By 10:30am, breakfast was coming to an end and we had a Fudd’s Challenge Cabin Clean-Up! A big congratulations to Rafter^X and Bowed Legs for winning today’s challenge. Once the cleaning shenanigans were over, we had short UN Day team meetings. Teams met to discuss the details of the day, practice their cheers and build hype for tomorrow. Directly after that, Tans met in the South Field and Whites at Lakeview to sign-up for Egg Marathon- the final Tan & White game of the session, which will occur on Wednesday.

And then this afternoon, we sadly had to cancel Tan and White Capture the Flag due to the weather, but we enjoyed a very spirited afternoon Skit “Night” instead. The Tans and Whites created songs, skits and cheers, which they then performed. It was very fun! The Tans came out victorious but both teams put on an excellent show!

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Tonight was a bit of a chill night…it is Sunday after all! Cabins practiced their lip syncs, watched movies and hung out by the courts playing tennis and pickle. The Fudd’s Challenge winners went to Fudd’s and loved their time as a cabin…and the ice cream wasn’t too bad either! And now, as I stand at my desk in the Office at the Top of the Hill, camp is quiet- it is an early night for everyone…we are getting our rest because we are excited for an incredible United Nations Day tomorrow!

I apologize for the short post but I promise more detail tomorrow :). Goodnight, Chippies!

Happy Camping and Love,