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Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,

80 years is a long time…right? Well today, we had the privilege of celebrating just that- eight staff members spending their tenth summer at camp…pretty incredible! Today was our annual Ten Year celebration and it was a proud and fun day at #TheRanch2024. Mia Friedland, Charlie Kabaker, Chelsea Martin, Abby Cyrluk, Emmy Fettner, Lila Katz, Lexi Golding and Dylan Grossmann were all showered with love throughout the day for “Ten Years of Service, and Their Friendship Too.”

It all began at breakfast when the entire camp welcomed them into the Adler Lodge by singing “We Love You Ten Year Girls.” They enjoyed a breakfast from Eras (a new awesome breakfast place up here) along with other meals from their favorite Northwoods restaurants. Throughout the day, they participated in activities including skiing, high ropes, sailing and riding. Some of them had never tried these activities, and for some they haven’t attempted them since they were campers. In a sense, they got to relive their camper years together at each of these activities. I had the opportunity to be at the high ropes course with these special gals and it was amazing to see them living it up together 40 feet in the air with campers excitedly cheering them on.

Following lunch, we had a special ceremony where campers spoke, sang or read a poem for the Ten Year Girls. Each of the cabins in which the Ten Year Girls are counselors had put together something really nice. I was impressed with their song-writing skills and also with their thoughtful and kind words.

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After dinner, we headed to the Little Theater for the conclusion of this special day. The Ten Year Girls sat on stage and all past Ten Year Girls/Boy stood behind them to sing “Welcome Chippewa.” And then, there were lots of toasts, roasts and gifts from their family members who are at camp, their age-groups and their co-counselors. There were a number of times when I got the chills or felt a little choked up…the stories shared and the feelings expressed were a strong indicator of the power of camp and the friendships built here. A quick shoutout to Laney K who read an incredible speech to her Ten Year sister, Charlie. Laney’s speech was the perfect combination of funny and heartfelt…it was amazing. Tonight’s ceremony concluded with Cliff, Lisa, Sophie and I presenting each Ten Year Girl with a Compass Coin. These eight Chippies exemplify so many of the traits we value and it was really nice to take some time to publicly acknowledge them for the example they set, the love they share and for their significant commitment to the Chippewa community.

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Today was a day full of pride and appreciation for Chippewa…at least from me…but I really think from everyone as young as Rafter^X age all the way up. It was a reminder of just how lucky we are to be here…yes, CRC is a beautiful place to spend our summers…but even more important than that, and the thing that brings us all back each summer, is the people. There is just a certain feeling in the air here- a connection that we know exists that goes beyond explanation…Chippy girls are bonded with one another and to 8258 County O. It was discussed tonight so many times and it was seen through hugs, smiles and a genuineness that I know doesn’t exist everywhere in this world. For all of this (and much more), I am so grateful to be a part of something bigger than me here at Chippewa. Tonight, the Chippewa Sisterhood showed off just how exceptional it is.

So I want to end tonight’s post by thanking our Ten Year Girls. It has been an absolute honor to watch the eight of you grow up at camp. You are kind, caring, funny and passionate people who bring so much light and goodness to this camp. We are beyond fortunate to have you here at CRC with us passing down the value of Chippewa to your campers. Thank you for being here and thank you for waking up each day to make this place better- you are all loved and respected by so many and I hope that today was a demonstration of just that.

Happy Ten Year to all of you…and here’s to Ten More!

Happy Camping and Love,