Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,

We had a fantastic first full day of second session at #TheRanch2024 and I am excited to tell you all about it!

-Breakfast- Pancakes & Bacon
-Lunch- Grilled Cheese & Curly Fries
-Dinner- Taco Tuesday!

Skiing Achievements
-Mari W got up on two skis for ten seconds (and I was lucky enough to be on the boat to witness it!).
-Sydney Brown crossed the wakes on two skis.
-Ivy S got up and around the lake on one ski.

Details of the Day
This morning we had activity rotations- age groups went tubing, played nucomb, tried out for the play, played gaga and enjoyed some time at outdoor cooking. It was awesome to see camp so lively- campers excitedly scampering around CRC enjoying the warm weather and one another’s company. After lunch, we had a meeting at the Center Fire Circle where new campers bit into a cupcake to learn if they were officially members of the Tan or White Team…both teams were going crazy as they learned who their newest members were. This afternoon we had a combo of age group activities and activity sign-ups. While not signing up for activities, campers waterskied, made s’mores cookies in cooking, played on the blob and competed in trampball games. It felt like a regular day at camp despite it only being the first full day of the session…it felt good! At dinner we had our first Tan and White cheering session, and it was loud! Campers and staff were quite spirited as they prepared for Sandstorm- the traditional first T&W game of second session.

And then tonight was the main event. After dinner (and canteen of course), the entire camp was buzzing as they got dressed and ready for tonight’s event. Sand was passed throughout the camp- Braves to Hunters, Hunters to Warriors, Warriors to Chiefs, and Chiefs to the Grand & Chief Sachems. At the end of the game, the entire camp joined in the South Field cheering for their sachems to bring enough sand to weigh down the garbage can pulley. In the end- in a major comebacksituation, the White Team came out on top, but a big congratulations to both teams for their incredible competitive spirit and sportsmanship…it was a night to be proud of!

To conclude our amazing day, cabins had a night of bonding before bed. As I went to do Goodnights in a couple of Colt Village cabins, I was so happy to see campers and staff digging into their togetherness. The Chippewa Sisterhood is alive and well even as these final four weeks are just beginning.

That’s all for tonight- thanks for reading!

Happy Camping and Love,