Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends

Happy Wednesday from #TheRanch2024! We had very special day around here and I am excited to tell you all about it!

Today’s meals included: -Breakfast Sandwiches and Hashbrown Patties for Breakfast (YES!) -BLTA (bacon, lettuce, tomato & avocado) Sandwiches on Croissants & Onion Rings for Lunch -BBQ Dinner with Italian Ice for Dinner

Today’s Birthday Girl- Marlee A!

In addition to the above happiness, we also had a fantastic day of regular activities! At cooking, they made butterscotch blondies…yum! At skiing, Dylan B, Sienna K, Sage L & Savannah M got up on two skis for ten seconds, Liv W and Elle H crossed the wakes on two skis, and Harper L lifted a ski for ten seconds…way to go, Chippies! And out at archery, Olivia S hit her 75th gold and Sophie B hit her 100th…holy cow!

After activities ended, there was a very fun and important event in the South Field. The Tri-Cabin put together a wedding…an interesting one to say the least. Sloane B married Bob The Rock…and it was amazing. The campers in the Tri-Cabin have been planning this for quite some time- there were bridesmaids, flower girls, a “father” of the bride and many wedding guests. It seems that each year we have some kind of wedding that campers plan- there have been stick weddings, alter ego weddings, and this year a human-rock wedding…we are creative here at CRC! As Soph-Aloaf and I walked over to the wedding, one of our observations was how cool it was that the entire age group worked together and enthusiastically contributed to this event. It was a real demonstration of Sisterhood…one of those “we’re all in this together” moments!

This afternoon the camping trips- both Mackinac Island (Trailriders) and Copper Falls (A-Frame, C-C & Bowed Legs) returned. Campers were eager to share stories from their trips- apparently Copper Falls is beautiful and Mackinac Island is the best trip ever . We are happy to be whole again as all campers are back at camp together for the night. Tomorrow another two trips go out- campers are looking forward to beaching at Clear Lake and Canoeing to the “Owl Bridge.”

Tonight’s evening program was Tan & White Counselor Hunt. Tans and Whites partnered up to search around camp for hidden counselors. There were counselors hidden in the woods, under couches, beneath buildings, inside cabinets and in other secret locations around camp. I was caught by Lilly R and Joss R…kind of early in the game but not too early that it was embarrassing. Cliff was caught by Jenna W and Shay S- quite an accomplishment! The First Year JCs were all dressed in grass costumes, which camouflaged nicely with their hiding places in the woods…an impressive commitment to the game! And in the end, there were only two staff members who weren’t caught…Lizzy LoGrande who was hiding in a boat on the South Side of camp (on land) and Ty Borstein who was hidden deep in the woods! While both teams did an excellent job seeking the staff, the Whites came out on top tonight!

So that’s it- our day was incredible, and we are ready for another one tomorrow! Goodnight Chippies :).

Happy Camping and Love,