Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,

Today was nothing short of magical at #TheRanch2024. As I am sitting at my desk to write this evening’s TSD, I am feeling a sense of pride in our community. Yes, I know we are only on day three…but campers and staff around here are happy, and they are clearly feeling a sense of comfort, dare I say a sense of sisterhood that can be felt in the air at CRC. There were so many great moments of our day, and I am excited to tell you about a few of the highlights…

-First off, the meals of the day…
Breakfast: Waffles, Scrambled Eggs & Turkey Bacon
Lunch: Cheese Tortellini (yes, a nice & hearty lunch, which was very popular)
Dinner: BBQ!

-Activities officially began this morning at 10am. The Chippy staff has been planning for this moment for quite some time, and they were ready to rock (and roll). Throughout our day full of activities, campers got right down to business. They shot arrows at archery, sailed on Dam Lake, hit tennis balls, floated across the obstacles at the Chippy High Ropes Course, joyfully played on the blob, and some even rode a horse! While waiting to head up on the ropes course, Sydney S and Payton E were in an intense teatherball game…it was awesome! And at waterskiing, Amelia F crossed the wakes on two skis and Riley F got up and around the lake on two skis for the first time…way to go girls! When I went out to tennis during fifth period, I got to see Cameron R and Zoey Y hitting with tennis coach, Manuel. I promptly informed the two girls that Cameron’s mom was once Zoey’s mom’s counselor…in Boots 1995…a pretty amazing cabin if I do say so myself! Basically, all around camp there were extraordinary things happening- new skills were being learned, Chippies were supporting Chippies and fun was being had.

-After fifth period, every single little sister in camp got a letter in the mail from their big sister…the notes were sweet and the little sisters were sooooo excited to meet their bigs. To kick off the bonding between the Chippy big and little sisters, we had a big and little sister BBQ dinner. It was adorable. Watching Lakeview campers sitting at dinner with brand new Rafter^X campers enjoying one another’s company was a heartwarming sight to see.

-This evening, as is Chippewa tradition on the third night of camp, we had our Opening Staff Show. The immense talent on this staff was displayed as groups of staff danced their hearts out on stage. Some staff have actual, legitimate stage talent…and that’s always fun to see. And then there are others who provide entertainment in a different way…that’s probably the category that I fit into…a unique kind of stage talent . Either way, the campers love seeing their counselors performing- campers in the audience were singing along to the music, and dancing from their seats. The senior staff performed “She’s In Love With A Boy,” which is a dance that has been performed on the Chippy stage since 1999 (or 2003-ish…I honestly can’t remember). Lakeview 2017 performed a dance to a Hamilton song and the first year SCs did a new dance that brought the energy. Cliff sang “Right Field,” which is always a fan favorite and the show ended with the second year JCs danced in their PJs.

-After the staff show, we had an all-camp dance party. Campers and staff danced like crazy until the night finally had to come to an end. We always love a good dance party where everyone can dance how they feel and enjoy singing their hearts out to all of the Chippy favorites. As we left the theater, the sky over the lake was magnificent…I mean truly beautiful…the trees were glowing and a crowd of campers and staff gathered by the waterfront to take in the glory of Dam Lake.

-When I stopped back in the office before goodnights, from my window in the office, I could hear campers excitedly chatting, giggling and singing…it was a pretty cute soundtrack. Lucy B and Sunny W stopped by drenched…not because it was raining but because they really enjoyed the new mister outside the new Ice Cube…they seem to really be leaning into camp life and I love it! There were a gaggle of tri-cabin campers who stormed the office looking for a fly swatter…they apparently had a moth emergency. I’m not exactly sure what came of that but by the time I stopped by the tri-cabin to say goodnight, they seemed to be at peace. When I stopped by Rafter^X before bed, they were in a circle learning “A Chippewa Girl” from their counselors…I can’t wait to see them singing along tomorrow at lunch! And in Trailriders, I stopped in just in time to hear everybody’s dream job- I loved listening to their unique interests and ambitions! I also got a game of Squares in with Summer K, Charlie I and Noa G…not to brag but Noa G and I really made quite the winning team. The walk around camp as evening routines were in motion tonight was very special…at least from my perspective!

Conclusion of the day- CRC is alive with energy and love. Thanks for reading all about today- have a wonderful evening and check back tomorrow for another update from Soph-Aloaf!

Happy Camping and Love,
