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Hello Chippy families and loyal readers,

Emily here (AKA Jaksich around camp and Mrs. Halliday around school). I am so excited to be a guest writer for the Sari Diaries tonight and even more excited to be up at camp for the week! Even as a “grown up”, camp is truly paradise and today was no exception.

Some fast facts about the day…

Meals: chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast, quesadillas for lunch, and sweet and sour chicken for dinner.

Birthdays: Maisy B in C-C 🎂

Our day began with a small sleep-in, since we were up a bit later than usual last night due to some thunderstorms. By the time Cliff began the 7 Wonders Quiz this morning, though, the sun was shining and we were ready for the day. After breakfast, Bowed Legs, C-C, and A-Frame headed off to Copper Falls for their camping trip while the rest of camp began regular B day activities. In skiing, Sami S. in Cactus passed not one but TWO levels: getting up for 10 seconds and getting up and around on two skis. Camille T had a blast during her swim period and sailors were literally blown away by the breeze on Dam Lake (though rest assured, they all safely returned to camp). In outdoor cooking, campers made ‘campfire cones’, which looked delicious but I wasn’t able to convince anyone to share with me to confirm. As for me, I got to spend my day between sailing, skiing, and SUP, but my favorite part had to be at the Buddy Board during 5th period. A handful of Lakeview campers were the only ones in their swim period not on a camping trip and insisted on taking advantage of a gorgeous summer day. It was so fun watching these girls laugh, swim, and splash and even more special for me because several of them were my former campers back in 2017. It’s hard to believe my 8-year-old Blackfoot campers are now in Lakeview, but I am so proud of the way they look out for each other, lead by example for younger campers, and take advantage of every second up at camp.

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And now, as I sit and write this, I can hear the laughter and shrieks of campers outside the office as they run away from the pirates. Yes, you guessed it, we are ending our day with Pirate Night here at CRC. An absolute fan favorite as the cabins work together to follow clues, collect flags, and ultimately find a hidden treasure, all while avoiding the pirates. Tonight’s treasure was hidden behind the tennis courts and the cabin of Lakeview was the lucky winner! They get to celebrate by making their very own candy salad… sweet!

So it was a “regular” day here at camp, but I think I speak for many when I say there’s really no such thing. Even the most simple or routine of days at CRC is special- full of spirit, sisterhood, trying new things, and making memories. Today was so much more than “regular” and I am unbelievably grateful to get to spend even a few days up here each summer. Chippewa is truly magical and since I know words can’t do it justice, you’ll just have to trust me on this one.

That’s all for now!


Emily (Jaksich) Halliday