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Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,

What a day we had at #TheRanch2024! The weather cooperated nicely, activities were in full swing and the amazingness was all around. So here are the deets…

The meals today included: Breakfast- Breakfast Tacos Lunch- Picnic Lunch Dinner- Chicken & Pasta Alfredo Dessert- Canteen!

Regular activities were wonderful! The waterfront was in alive with excitement as skiers passed levels left and right, swimmers participated in relay races, sailors enjoyed the decent wind on their Zest boats, canoers learned how to capsize, SUP’ers loved chilling on Dam Lake and anglers pontooned across the lake to find the best fishing spots. As for specific achievements, Zoey Y and Ava F got up on the boom for ten seconds, Winnie K & Chloe Z got up and around the lake on two skis, Teddy L lifted a ski for ten seconds and Jessie H got up on one ski for ten seconds. Congrats, Chippies! Elsewhere, I had the privilege of witnessing some real talent on the CRC Ninja Course. Liv W can do many of the obstacles, most of which are incredibly challenging…I honestly couldn’t believe it! And at archery, campers were aiming at the targets, which had balloons in different spots…the “pop” meant they hit! It was fun to watch :).

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After lunch, we all gathered at the Center Fire Circle for a Coin Ceremony! The fire was going, and Lisa presented first year campers with the Growth Coin. We believe that taking the step to be an overnight camper is a huge leap of faith (for both parents and campers). Campers are stepping into an unknown world by choosing Chippewa- they are joining the Chippewa Sisterhood, and they are learning to work with others, make independent choices, grow their skills, build new friendships and continue their journey towards living the Chippewa Compass. Throughout just their first week at camp, we are so proud of the immense growth these new Chippies have demonstrated. And so each of them was called to the podium at the Center Fire Circle to receive their Growth Coin!

Today was Letter Writing Day (yes, in about 3-5 days, you should all be receiving a letter from your camper). Typically, on Letter Writing Day, we have canteen after dinner, and today we did just that. In order to figure out who gets to go to canteen first, second, third, etc, we have a Rock Paper Scissors tournament at the end of dinner. Each cabin sends up one representative to play Rock Paper Scissors, and the winner of each round earns her cabin a trip to canteen. It gets very spirited in the lodge and each Monday & Thursday night, I look forward to officiating these intense matches.

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And tonight’s Evening Program was so much fun- we had the David Gichner Magic Show! David is a Chippy brother, a basketball coach for some of our campers and an outstanding magician. He puts on a fantastic show that is legitimately magical- I seriously have no idea how he does it!

So that was our stupendous day at CRC- it was so much fun and such a “camp day.” More to come tomorrow, but that’s all for tonight. Goodnight, Chippies!

Happy Camping & Love,