Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,

I’m reporting to you all after an amazing Final Banquet…it’s late but I want to take a minute to tell you a little bit about our final day at #TheRanch2023 because there were some pretty important moments that I would be remiss if I didn’t mention. After a day full of packing and cleaning, we all gathered in our banquet gear at the Center Fire Circle for the Closing Campfire. The Closing Campfire traditionally has two main elements- the Lakeview speeches and the final Keylog Ceremony. Both parts of this campfire are always meaningful and this one was no exception…it was everything we hope this campfire will be- thoughtful, reminiscent, happy and sad. The Lakeview speeches were remarkable- each unique, and each describing a camper career full of growth, happiness and connection. Following the lovely Keylog Ceremony, we headed to the tent for banquet. We had Brad Emanuel (a Chippy favorite guitarist and singer) during the appetizer portion of the evening and Chippies were dancing gleefully! After dinner we had awards…lots of awards! Awards for activities, Tan & White and even mail. Counselors also presented their campers with their cabin plaques, which will hang in the lodge next summer. And finally, we presented the two most coveted awards each summer- Miss Chippewa Rodeo and Honor Camper. This year’s Miss Chippewa Rodeo is Jacklin R! Jacklin was awesome in the Chippewa Rodeo this past weekend and has been a fantastic member of the riding team this summer. She was also presented with the Perseverance Coin for her demonstration of great perseverance in the Chippewa Rodeo show as well as throughout her camper career. As for Honor Camper, this summer’s very deserving Honor Camper is Scout K. Scout has been a model camper since 2016, and she has exhibited impeccable confidence, which happens to be the coin she received at Final Banquet last night. A huge congratulations and thank you to Scout, our 2023 Honor Camper- she truly embodies the Chippewa spirit and compass! The evening ended with the camp circled up in the North Field watching the CRC Effigy burn, and singing our final Chippewa Creed of 2023. Our #TheRanch2023 family was connected as one under a beautiful blanket of stars…it was perfect! That’s all for now but I will write a final entry tomorrow…thanks for reading!

Happy Camping and Love,