Hi Sari Diaries!!!

Happy Friday! Today is Camper Counselor Switch Day at camp. This means that campers from the cabins of Bowed Legs, C-C, Trailriders, and Lakeview each chose a staff member to switch schedules/jobs with during the day. I’m Ella E, and I am Sari for the day! Campers can be anything from admin members to nurses today, and each camper gets a unique experience and is able to see what it is like to be on staff at Chippewa.

This morning all campers got the opportunity to participate in an activity called the polar plunge. At 8am this morning, campers could jump in the lake with their friends. My cabinmates and I jumped in, and though the lake was cold, it was a great way to start the day!

Tonight’s evening activities are campfire and Stalk the Lantern! The theme of campfire is Female Empowerment, and Talia S is leading it. Stalk the Lantern is a Tan and White game where the South Field is split into a target-like shape with counselors creating the “rings” of the target. The goal is for campers to get to the center of the “target” without being seen by the Neutrals who sit in the middle. If you reach the middle, you are rewarded with 100 points for your team! We play this game both sessions, and the White Team won first session! This game can only be played when it is dark outside which is why we play after campfire.

On top of everything, today is also Five Year day!! Today we celebrate the international staff that have been apart of the Chippewa community for five years! We are celebrating my counselors Milly and Olivea’s Five Year, along with Cara, Dan, and Carlos.

Overall, today was a very busy and fun day at camp! Though the summer is coming to an end, we still have tons of fun left before we leave!!


Extra Content
Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,
I just wanted to give a huge shout-out to Ella E for not only writing an incredible TSD entry, but also for making today awesome. I loved trading places with her and I was very impressed with her “P-Dance” skills, photography vision (all photos in this post were either taken by her or her vision for a photo), and general work ethic today :). Thanks, Ella- you are the best! Happy Camping and Love,