Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,

What a lovely day we had on Dam Lake! The temps at #TheRanch2023 are certainly climbing, but at least for now, we are enjoying the opportunity to be outside in the sunshine and feel refreshed by jumping in the lake. In addition to the nearly scorching temps, we had our daily dump of rain as seems to happen each day this session. But don’t worry, we didn’t let it get us down…we kept truckin’ . Okay, enough of my rambling…here are today’s details:

This morning we had some very wonderful and regular activities. At skiing, Olivia W got up and around the lake on two skis, and this afternoon, Summer K lifted a ski for ten seconds & Alexa R crossed the wakes on one ski. Out at archery, Sophie B hit her 450th gold, Cate M hit her 300th and Mia G reached 150…wowzas! Additionally, Julia P was newly inducted into the Gold Club! When I walked into cooking, I was greeted with the incredible smell of the banana chocolate chip muffins….I even got to try a warm one- it was delicious!

At lunch I had the opportunity to welcome and introduce my sister along with my long-time Chippy friends. It has been very cool to have Rachel (my sister), Kato (my former camp roommate) and Buddy (my camp brother…long story) hanging around camp today. It feels happy to have them here, and to see them connecting with today’s Chippies…generations colliding is one of my favorite parts about the Chippewa community!

After lunch we had picture day- we took the all-camp, second generation and cabin photos…I believe they will all turn out very cute. We then enjoyed some afternoon activities and the waterfront was quite lively. Sailboats were out, SUP paddlers were appreciating their time on the lake and kayakers were loving life. Before they went out, I hung with Ruthie L, Grace M and Ana L on the volleyball court. They were doing handstands on the beach as they awaited their exciting kayaking class.

This evening we had a split evening program. Trailriders, Lakeview and the CITs headed to Camp Kawaga for a paddle night while the younger campers watched Descendents and enjoyed a movie night. We ended up in the New Building, so instead of Screen on the Green, we called it Screen on the Sport Court…creative, I know! Campers loved the movie and equally (or more) loved the candy and popcorn!

And now everybody is in bed…hopefully asleep…we will have a small sleep-in tomorrow so that we can catch up on some much needed rest. Thanks for reading…there may be a podcast tomorrow- we shall see!

Happy Camping and Love,