Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,

Tonight I want to focus on two words- flexibility and optimism. Today, specifically this evening, the Chippewa community demonstrated an immense amount of both flexibility and optimism. As you are all well aware, tonight was supposed to be Songfest 2023. Both the Tan Team and the White Team have been working incredibly hard as a cohesive unit to prepare for tonight’s big event. They were so prepared that the “T” and “W” were already halfway costumed up when the rain began. I know I sound like a broken record but once again today, Mother Nature decided to dump some water upon us. Yes, the precipitation record is still going for second session. When we called everyone to dinner and began eating our chicken, rice and spring rolls, it became evident that the storm was making its way to CRC…not storm of ’99 significant, but the forecast said something legit might be headed our way. For the first time this summer, we headed to the storm shelters. A third of the camp went to the basement at The Oh, a third to the Main House and a third to the HNS. Once attendance was taken and all campers & staff were present and accounted for, the questions began…some were wondering how long we would be there, others asked how serious the storm would get, others wanted to know if we could watch a movie (which we did) but the most asked question was in regards to Songfest…was it going to get canceled. The stage was set for an amazing performance tonight and the hype was real…campers were soooooo excited to be up on that stage and let their hard work from the past week pay off. Sadly, in the end, the answer to their burning question was kind of…I wouldn’t call it cancelled, just postponed.

But fear not my loyal readers, while the disappointment was real- there is no doubt- we absolutely made the very best of the night. Dare I say it may have even turned out to be one of the best of the summer. Certainly one that will be memorable for years to come and definitely one that helped connect Chippies at #TheRanch2023 more deeply. From the storm shelters, we all headed back to the lodge in the rain. Some campers had eaten a full dinner before we left for storm shelters but others were just getting started. And so about fifteen counselors along with some of the kitchen staff and Jen the Baker headed into the kitchen to make pizza and pasta. While we were preparing the food, games were being played in the lodge and the Canteen Queens were passing out candy. The energy was high, campers were being fed, entertained and just generally enjoying life. It felt good- staff members taking initiative, campers going with the flow…some real good organized chaos.

In all of this, the Grand and Chief Sachems of each team were helping their campers and seemingly unphased that the fate of Songfest was uncertain. Over the course of the last four weeks, these leaders have poured their efforts, hearts and souls into creating and teaching Songfest…they have had highs and they have had lows, but one thing is certain- they have given Songfest their all. That being said, I know that inside they must have been freaking a little bit…when will Songfest be, how will this impact the rest of the summer, will the team remember all the moves by the time we have the actual performance…and they were likely looking forward to life after Songfest…as much as they love it, there is a certain relief for sachems each year- win or lose- when Songfest is over. Despite all of that, they put a smile on their faces, and realized that what camp needed in that moment were awesome counselors to help their campers make the most of this weird night. Their demonstration of strength and flexibility in that moment was incredible- I am grateful and whether they realize it or not, they had a great impact on our camp community tonight!

So yeah, we fed the camp and then everybody went back to their cabins. It was still raining but the actual storm was well over. Cabins had some time to bond and get to bed early. Blackfoot celebrated Emmy L’s birthday in the Main House with ice cream and a movie. What was set to be one of the most intense and spirited nights of the summer turned into a real “camp night.” The plan was totally derailed but campers and staff made the most of it.

I once again apologize for no podcast tonight…I had started with some guests earlier today (we will air their segments soon). And I apologize for not being able to share all the details of the amazing evening that was Songfest 2023. But I am proud to be reporting that members of #TheRanch2023 community rock…and tonight that was quite evident. Not only did our campers and counselors handle the disappointment of Songfest being postponed exceptionally well, they pivoted beautifully and turned July 27th, 2023 into a day that I am confident we will all remember and cherish as a fun, funny and campy night for years to come.

Flexibility- the willingness to change or compromise. Optimism- the quality of being full of hope and emphasizing the good parts of a situation.

These two words, these two traits, dare I say these two values radiated from Chippies today. We are all looking forward to a new day tomorrow…when Songfest will go on. And I know it will be worth the wait!

Thanks for reading this unique entry- have a great night!

Happy Camping and Love,