Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,

We had quite the Sunday at #TheRanch2023! It was jam-packed with action…definitely more than a typical Sunday! That said, with UN Day being tomorrow, we have decided to flip-flop the typical Sunday podcast with the newly traditional Lakeview member entry on Monday. So this evening you will be hearing from Andie G…a lovely Lakeview camper who has officially decided to stay at CRC for the full eight weeks for the first time ever! We love Andie, appreciate her friendly and kind demeanor, and are thrilled she will be with us for the rest of the summer! I know you will enjoy reading what she has to say, and learning about our day through her eyes. Thanks to all of you for reading, and THANK YOU, Andie for taking the time to write this amazing entry!

Happy Camping and Love, Sari

Happy Sunday Sari Diaries!

Today was an eventful day filled with lots of exciement. We started this morning off with the usual late sleep-in and Sunday breakfast. I went with my usual order, which is a pancake with Oreo and chocolate chips.

After breakfast, I headed to meet with my UN Day team to sign-up for a series of activities. I signed up for softball, soccer and pickleball, all of which I am so excited to play. I am on team Portugal and we are definitely ready to take down all the other teams.

Following UN Day sign-ups, Tans and Whites separated for Egg Marathon activity sign-ups. The Egg Heads for both Colt and Wrangler Village were announced and they are Maddie K & Sloane M for the Tan Team and Jillian M & Lucy B for the White Team. Being Egg Head is a super exciting and honorable role during the whole game.

Later on in the day, Tans and Whites got ready to play Capture the Flag. One specific person who dominaated on the Tan Team’s defense was Bailey F, and for the White Team, Sophie G was unstoppable on defense. The Tan Team won, with the score being 2-1. Leah C and Anabelle L scored for the Tans and Zoe G scored for the Whites. Scoring in Capture the Flag is a super big deal and something that should be celebrated. I played my hardest defense for for the Tan Team and ended up pulling five flags!

After lots of rest and refueling, every cabin got ready for a lot of campers’ favorite activity…Lip Sync! Every cabin’s performance was amazing, but in my opinion, Lakeview’s was the best :). In the end, only two cabins could win; one from Colst Village and one from Wrangler Village. The winning cabins were Timber Walk and A-Frame! Their performances were amazing and they got to go to Cathy’s for their hard work. Everyone else ended their night off by getting Canteen, which was so delicious!

Overall, today was a long but extremely exciting day and I had so much fun!

Thank you for having me,
Andie G