Dearest Chippies,

Wow… and I mean WOW. It has been a DAY over here at CRC. Full of action and excitement from sun-up to sundown (literally). I’m not even going to waste any pleasantries before I get into the good stuff. Here we go…

The day began as Sundays always do… with the classic Sunday Breakfast. Campers lined up with the sun, their mouths watering in anticipation as they waited for the doors to open. Back in the kitchen was Lisa flipping pancakes like a BOSS, Sari scrambling eggs like you’ve never seen them scrambled before, and Cliff crisping up omelets like he’s been working in a restaurant his whole life. And don’t let me forget Ruth’s Special; her chocolate-y pancakes were allllllll the rage. I helped organize the pancake rush, shouting ingredients at Lisa as she quickly threw some Oreos here and chocolate chips there. It was, as always, a great time back there, and campers were happy as their made-to-order breakfast items arrived at the window. It was a solid way to start the day!

After breakfast, we completed the morning with a Fudd’s Challenge cleaning competition. For us Chippies, there is no motivation quite like a delicious scoop of ice cream, and with that prize on the line, campers took this cleaning very seriously. Their hard work was evident at the end of the Challenge, but especially in the sparkling clean cabins of Rafter^X and Bowed Legs. Both winners enjoyed their ice cream prize, and a clean cabin for the day was a cherry on top!

This morning we also completed the final activity sign-ups of the summer. Campers seized the opportunity to sign-up for all of their favorites, and the energy was high in the Lodge as they crafted the perfect schedules. I always love watching campers make their schedules; it is one of those times when independence really shines through. They are always so proud of the finished product, and it is fun to watch the process unfold as it happens, and to compare the first activity sign-up to the last. So much growth!

After lunch, campers dusted off their costumes and everyone gathered in the Theater for LIP SYNC! This program is one of our most popular, and the show did not disappoint. The dances were spectacular, the smiles on stage were huge, and the competition was fierce. Everyone brought their A-game, and in the end Timber Walk and Cactus took home the win. Special shout out to Timber Walk, the 2-time 2023 Lip Sync champ. That’s quite a feat!

Believe it or not, the excitement doesn’t end there… because tonight we had the highly anticipated Realm Selections. Campers and staff once again gathered in the Theater to find out what Houses and Armies they will be in. The excitement was tangible as campers cheered on their teammates and started to envision what the next two days will look like. Realm is one of our most intense and Tan & White games of the summer. I would try to explain it here, but I wouldn’t be able to… for that, I will have to refer you to the 93-page handbook… and I wish I was joking. The Dev Team has been hard at work for weeks preparing for Realm Season 7: Swarm; they enrolled campers in Realm School, organized staffing and supplies, and oversaw the building of castles and houses across camp. Thanks to their hard work and sleepless nights, I am certain that this game will live up to the hype!

And now, across camp, campers are fast asleep, dreaming of the swarm and getting their much-needed rest for the big day tomorrow. Be sure to stay tuned for updates on how Realm is progressing. I’m sure Sari will have all the deets for you tomorrow night.

Thanks for reading. Talk to ya on Thursday!

Soph Aloaf