Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,

I am excited to introduce you tonight’s guest blogger, Jacklin R. Jacklin is a member of the cabin of Lakeview and she rocks! I am excited for you to read all about the day at #TheRanch2023 from her perspective…to learn about her connections within the CRC community, and some of her favorite things about camp. We absolutely love having Jacklin as a member of the Chippewa community- she is kind, fun and a friend to all! Thanks, Jacklin for writing this awesome post!

Happy Camping and Love,

Dear Chippewa Friends and Fmailies,

It was a beautiful day in the North woods and I am excited to be taking you through the day from my point of view. My day started out by being woken up by Cliff talking about how it’s National Cousins Day. I went to breakfast and had a nice bowl of fruit. After breakfast and cabin clean-up, I went to the Cooking Academy to IA cooking. Today we made bannana chocolate chip muffins, which were so good! Then I went to skiing. Although I didn’t pass any levels, I still had a fun time.

After skiing I waited for my cabin to be called to picnic lunch. While waiting, I practiced my Songfest moves because I’m in the T and I don’t want to mess up in the real thing :). At picnic, I made a turkey sandiwch. When I sat down to eat, Harper M and Sydney S from Blackfoot made me some watermlon lemonade, which was very tasty. After everyone ate, the whole camp was called to the Center Fire Circle for announcements where we were told that activities were shortened to forty five minutes so we could have Songfest practice after fifth period.

During third period, I had play practice. The play is the Little Mermaid and I’m one of Ariel’s sisters. We worked on the scenes that we already learned to perfect them. After play I had horseback riding. I rode Red who is a great horse. I warmed him up by walking around the arena and then did a rising trot to get him going. After he was wamred up, I cantored him because I’m working on getting a better cantor. Holly, the Riding Director, then set up a course that will be similar to the one I’ll be riding for Chippewa Rodeo. It was great practice! After riding, I IA’d archery where today was balloon day. For balloom day, we put balloons on the target and when a camper popped a balloon, it counted as a gold. Today a new member was also welcomed into the Gold Club. Congrats to Sadie G from Trailriders. To get into the Gold Club, you need 100 golds- 75 from the close target and 25 from the far target.

In addition to afternoon activities, the sailing team (comprised of CITs and a few members of Lakeview) went out to the Sailing Regatta on Dam Lake. Jill M and her boat won!

To end the afternoon, all Tans reported to the climbing wall and all Whites to the Lakeview porch for Songfest practice. After Songfest practice, all commissaries and ODs were called to the messhall to set-up for dinner and gophers were called to the Hirschy Bar to get mail. I got a letter from my dog, which made me happy. At dinner we found out the evening program- a DJ Arianna dance party! Lots of campers dressed in crazy costumes. I had a galaxy dress on. During the dance party, I danced with members of my cabin and we had so much fun!

After the dance party, we got canteen because today was Letter Writing Day. I got a Caramello, which is what I needed after dancing my heart out!

In other news, I can’t wait for Realm Season 7- The Swarm, which is sometime next week. Realm is my favorite Tan & White game because no matter your age, you are important. Whether you are a Brave in a house making medicine that can help the Warriors and Chiefs on your team who are in armies or if you are a Hunter looking through the woods for items that will help your team, you are essential to making the game work. I might also like Realm because I got the most points in the game my C-C summer and last year I came in second. I love that there are so many different ways you can win the game and each year is different. This year there is a new house for the Braves and a new seat at the Round Table for Chiefs.

Thanks for going through my day with me. I hope this gives you insight into what your campers are experiencing. When your campers get home ask them to explain Realm to you. They will be so tired after.

That’s all from the North woods for today. Come back tomorrow to hear more about camp.

Happy Camping and Love,