Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,

This one is for the Ten Year Girls- Lindsay, Sam & Summer…

These three girls are true Chippy girls. These three girls have since 2013 exemplified the traits we hope all Chippies will emulate. These three girls have grown immense amounts throughout the first ten years of their camp experience. These three girls have cheered their hearts out in the messhall hundreds of times. These three girls have thrown in keylogs and sung the Chippewa Creed on countless Friday nights. These three girls have shared extraordinary amounts of love with their age group, their camp families, their campers and to the grounds that are CRC. These three girls have been dedicated and spirited members of the Tan Team. These three girls have competed in UN and Kahuna Days, and even led some of these teams. These three girls have formed outrageously strong connections and friendships that will last a lifetime. These three girls have sailed, skied and fished on Dam Lake enjoying every second of it. These three girls have been on camping trips each summer- some they loved and some they probably couldn’t appreciate in the moment. These three girls have experienced their highest highs and their lowest lows on these hallowed grounds. These three girls have had ten summers full of meaning- their time at camp has brought value to thousands of other Chippies’ camp experiences and I am confident that their time at camp thus far has provided them with a foundation that is significant to who they are as humans…the outstanding humans that they are.

And these three girls were celebrated today- all day and night long…there is no doubt that they felt the love and appreciation that they deserve. From poems at the start of each meal to celebratory cake after lunch, and from a private horseback riding lesson to climbing the wall & going down the zipline being cheered on by campers, and from waterskiing to a Ten Year Ceremony for evening program, #TheRanch2023 community let these three girls know that they are so special to us. The speeches and poems that were read to Lindsay, Sam and Summer tonight made it evident that the impact they have had over the course of the past ten years is massive. There were Colt Village campers, Wrangler Village campers, counselors who these three grew up with, international staff members, some Chippy alumni, and of course, us directors…all showering them with much deserved love.

Lindsay, Sam and Summer are legends at Chippewa Ranch Camp and they have spent the past ten summers earning that title. The commitment, loyalty, compassion and energy that they have devoted to CRC throughout their child and young adulthood is exceptional and it is not something that we take for granted. They have lived camp life to its fullest, and from multiple perspectives- they were the youngest campers at one point, they were the youngest counselors at one point, and now they are some of our most veteran staff who we rely on to help this place go. In each phase of their camp careers they faced & overcame challenges and in each of these phases they thrived in their own unique ways. And between each of these phases, they transitioned in an admirable way. Through each of their summers, Lindsay, Sam & Summer led by example, showed great strength, and built a legacy for themselves that will live on for generations to come. They have each made such a mark on this place that I truly cannot imagine a summer at camp without them- they are the heart and the soul…to so many of us, they are camp.

So, Ten Year Girls, I thank you…of course for “ten years of service, and your friendship too,” but also for being you. For being the outstanding members of this community that you are. I truly hope that you felt the love today, and that you understand just how deeply we appreciate you. From all your friends at Chippewa, we wish you a happy ten year and we look forward to the next ten with you :).

Happy Camping and Love,

PS Songfest Update…
Candyland Tans vs Lego World Whites rocked this morning! There were stupendous performances by both teams and it was so fun to watch! A huge congrats to the Tans for winning today and a big thank you to the leaders of both teams for leading with grace and sportsmanship!

PPS Kahuna Day Captain Update…
We were extremely proud to announce the four Colt & Wrangler Village captains this morning after breakfast. Dylan K, Julia F, Lily R, Ana L, Leah R, Millie F, Sadie So and Andi G absolutely deserve this honor as they have demonstrated impressive leadership qualities and potential throughout the summer. We cannot wait to watch these campers lead their teams on one of the most fun days of the summer!