Dearest Chippies,

I write to you this fine Thursday evening after another week of #TheRanch2023 has gone by in a flash. May I be so bold as to say that this is the fastest summer in CRC history?! It truly is flying by! Yet while the days may be fast, they are certainly not short on good times, laughs and lots of fun.

Let’s cut to the chase and talk about all of the amazing things that happened at camp today!

The day began as normal with regular activities. It was a bit of a cooler day, but per usual there was LOTS going on all around camp. The fishing docks were popping with people catching fish left and right, Willow K dropped and got around on one ski, and climbers ascended the ropes course with enthusiasm like never before. Blackfoot and Silverspurs returned from a fun trip to Trout Lake, and Trailriders left for their much-anticipated Mackinac trip. Back at camp, during rest hour, Lip Sync practice was in full force. It’s coming up on Sunday, and it’s shaping up to be a fierce competition!

After a delicious ravioli dinner, we rounded out an unbelievable day with the one and only TOM PEASE! Tom has been coming to sing at Chippewa for many, many years and campers and staff alike were soooooo excited to hear that he was going to be spending the evening with us. Everyone gathered around the Center Fire Circle for a night full of singing some favorites, including Belly Button, Pancakes and Dad Threw the TV Out the Window. It was an incredible night of singing (screaming?!) and dancing. Smiles were HUGE and everyone was having the time of their lives. Shoutout to Winnie K, who might be Tom Pease’s number one fan. Watching her sing her heart out from across the Center Fire Circle made the night extra special.

And there you have it, friends. Another amazing day in the books here at CRC. It’s hard for me to believe that there is only one more Thursday left in first session, but I have no doubt that the days between now and then will be filled with more amazingness than we have seen so far this week… if that is even possible!


Soph Aloaf