Dearest Chippies,

I write to you in great disbelief. How is it possible that this session is already over?! To say that it went by in a flash would be a huge understatement. Yet, despite the speed at which the past four weeks have come and gone, there has been no shortage of activity-based accomplishments, personal growth and memories that will last a lifetime. I have always known that the CRC community is a special one, and I think I speak for us all when I say that the past four weeks have underscored the pride that comes with being a Chippy. Every Thursday, I am faced with the challenge of translating that amazingness onto paper… and over the past several years, I have come to accept that my words can never do justice to the countless moments of laughter, friendship, and gratitude that a single day at Chippewa holds—let alone an entire session. But alas, on this fine Thursday evening, I will try my best!

From the minute that Cliff started wake-up this morning, the air was filled with enthusiasm and spirit. The last full day of first session was upon us, and everyone awoke with a luster of appreciation. This morning, as 4-week campers began the packing process, 8-week campers participated in various activities around camp. There was a great deal of teamwork displayed as friends helped friends carry their duffels across camp, and cabinmates worked together to get their cabins into tip-top shape.

This afternoon, we held our final first session campfire. The four-week Lakeview campers gave their farewell speeches, and there was so much wisdom, pride and gratitude in their words. I wanted to share one of my favorite snippets from Kayla Z’s speech:

Throughout this summer we have gotten multiple after-breakfast talks about how lucky we all are to get to be here; surrounded by friends, family and nature in our own little bubble of love, connections and opportunity. Cara even said that there aren’t any camps like this in the UK. Meaning, all of the little girls around the world will never get the opportunity yo go to a place nearly as incredible as Chippewa.

Each Lakeview camper who spoke this afternoon reflected fondly on their camper experiences and encouraged campers to appreciate all that CRC has to offer; as a group they were articulate, thoughtful and grateful. All in all, it was a beautiful display of what we are trying to accomplish here at Chippewa, and while we are sad to see them all leave, we are equally as excited to have them as a part of our staff next summer!

The day ended with our Four Week Banquet. Following a delicious gnocchi dinner (plus ice cream cookie sandwiches… what could be better?!), many 4-week campers received awards for being MVP, Most Improved or Most Determined in various activities across camp. Campers cheered loudly for their friends and cabin mates who were deservingly recognized for their hard work and enthusiasm in activities. We also handed out a couple of Compass Coins as well—Loyalty to JJ S, Enthusiasm and Empathy to Savannah Z, and Leadership to Gretta M. It was great to close out the session’s Compass Coin program with such worthy recipients!

We closed out the night with two of our biggest honors—Ranch Queen and Honor Camper. Ranch Queen is awarded at the 4-week mark to a camper who has excelled in both skill and leadership out at the stables. This year’s recipient was Sophia G, who has put an incredible amount of time in at the stables over the past 4 weeks, and who has contributed to the character and strength of the riding program over the past few summers. After that, we concluded with Chippewa’s biggest honor: Honor Camper. A huge congratulations to Charlie S, whose kindness, confidence and love of camp has shaped not only her own camp experience, but the experiences of those around her. Charlie is a role model, a leader, and someone who is more than deserving of this honor. Thanks, Charlie, for the positive contribution you have made to CRC over the course of your camper years. We appreciate you and are proud of you!

And there you have it, folks. I think I speak for everyone when I say that today was a day to remember. As we look ahead to Visiting Weekend tomorrow, I know that your campers are eager to share with you so many more personal memories and experiences that align with the small sliver of amazingness I am able to share with you each Thursday. You all have a lot to look forward to!

Thanks for reading. I’ll see many of you tomorrow, and I’ll be back next week with another post!

Sincerely, Soph Aloaf