Dearest Chippies,

Hello again! Soph Aloaf here with your weekly Thursday night update. I am happy to report that life at camp has been nothing short of stellar since I last spoke with all of you, and today was no exception—the sun was out, the smiles were BIG, the laughs were loud… it was a good one!

Today we had full day of regular activities, and campers all across camp were having the time of their lives. Skiing in particular seemed to be a hot spot for achievements: Lucy W dropped and crossed the wakes on one, and Parker F and Scarlett L both got up and around the lake on two skis. Over on the other side of camp, cookies were baked in the Cooking Academy, shirts were dyed in Arts & Crafts, and it was a “free choice” day in Pottery. Plus, we had our first visitors of the summer arrive today—shout out to Casey, Jaksich, Smoss and Melissa. We are so happy that you are here!

In keeping with our twice-weekly Coin Ceremonies, we did indeed have another Coin Ceremony this afternoon. Rachel L received an Enthusiasm Coin and Jillian W received a Knowledge Coin. Both of these Coins were incredibly well-deserved, and it was amazing, as always, watching the campers accept them. The realization when we announce their names that we are talking about them is always so incredible to watch. I must say though… just as amazing as the pride from the campers receiving Coins is the pride from their friends and counselors as they do so. So much support and excitement around the Center Fire Circle. It really is such a special and meaningful tradition!

We wrapped up this incredible day with an AMAZING magic show from the one and only David Gichner. And let me tell you… the show was pure talent. It was sooooo impressive, and it remains unclear to us all how he did every single one of his tricks. It was such a fun and entertaining night, and it was enjoyed by all!

And there you have it, folks. Another Thursday for the books. Time at camp really is so strange in that all summer long it simultaneously feels like camp just started and that it’s almost over. This session is flying, and I wish all of you could be here to experience the amazingness that is #TheRanch2023. My words cannot possibly do it justice. But trust me when I say that life here at CRC is GOOD.

Thanks, and talk to ya next week!

Soph Aloaf