Dearest Chippies,

Soph Aloaf here with an exciting update about the first Thursday of #TheRanch2023.

Let me start by saying that I recognize that most Chippies spend the off-season counting the days until camp starts… but me?! I spend all year counting Thursdays… and today is THAT Thursday.

Without a doubt, it was definitely worth the wait!

Let’s cut to the chase… today was a scorcher, and enthusiasm from campers and staff definitely matched the heat. It was the first day of B-Day activities, yet campers across camp were already passing levels and achieving goals. Out at waterskiing, Alexa R got up on one ski and Bailey F dropped and stayed up for 10 seconds. Campers are also making it up the new wall left and right… despite it being “way harder than the old wall” (according to a Lucky-X camper). Needless to say, activities are off to a strong start!

Today also had two other notable experiences (well… four if you count the quinoa bowls for lunch and Annie S’s birthday). During rest hour, the whole camp gathered at the Center Fire Circle for the first Coin Ceremony of the summer. As you may know, the Chippewa Compass is a core component of our program, and twice per week we hold Coin Ceremonies to recognize campers and staff who exemplify Compass characteristics. Today we explained the program and handed out the Annual Coin, which centers around connection. Additionally, Ari B was honored with a Resilience Coin—she has demonstrated a great deal of strength, inclusivity and determination since she arrived. It was certainly a well-deserved Coin, and a special way to begin the Chippewa Compass tradition for this summer!

To finish off the day we had Big and Little Sister Night. All week, big and little sister pairs have spent their free time getting to know each other, planning costumes and just enjoying each other’s company. Tonight’s program was planned by the CITs and was Taylor Swift themed. Everyone showed up in their finest costumes, and there was certainly no shortage of excitement being shown and fun being had as campers roamed camp and participated in many different activities including ice cream eating, shoe toss and cookie decorating. Congrats to all big and little sister pairs, but especially Leah C and Jada C who ended the night with a win and a scoop of Cathy’s to celebrate! And a big thanks to the CITs who spent a great deal of time and effort putting together a fantastic program. I would say it was a grand success!

NOW do you see why it was worth the wait?! Thanks so much for reading. I’ll see ya back here next Thursday!

Sincerely, Soph Aloaf