Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,

Wow did this week fly by! I cannot believe that tomorrow is the first day of week two, and that these days are passing us by so quickly. Today was wonderful and unique, obviously filled with connection, and now I am sitting in the Office at the Top of the Hill to tell you all about it. For the record, sometimes when I am writing to all of you I am standing, but tonight is a sitting night. Anyways, here are the details of our day at #TheRanch2023.

It was a big morning…I mean the first Sunday Morning Breakfast is a big deal. When I got to the lodge at 8am, there was a huge line of campers hanging out in anticipation for pancakes made by Lisa, omelets made by Cliff and scrambles made by me…I should tell you that not as many were excited for my scrambles as the pancakes and omelets, but there are always a couple of loyal fans! So from 8:30-10:15am, campers were relaxing in the lodge and loving their breakfast to order…at least that’s what they told the chefs!

After breakfast, we boarded five school buses to head into Minocqua for Town Day. Town Day is always amazing…even on days like today that are a bit rainy. The entire camp flooded the two street town of Minocqua for lunch, a little bit of shopping and some fudge or ice cream. It is so cute to walk into stores along the strip and see gaggles of campers with their counselors browsing around. Some cabins ordered sushi, others enjoyed pizza and there were even groups that went to Otto’s for their famous mac & cheese (yes, it is Kraft). After a couple hours of meandering around town, we headed back to camp- we had enough of “the real world.”

Back at camp, campers worked hard cleaning their cabins for the Sunday Fudd’s Challenge. A big congrats to Boots and Horseshoe for their excellent work…I know they are excited for some Fudd’s ice cream this week! Cabins spent the rest of the afternoon playing games, writing letters and having a bit of a chill afternoon. After the busy week we had, I think everybody was happy to have some time to rest and quietly connect with their cabinmates and counselors!

And then the rain came back, which didn’t exactly fit in with our plan of playing Barnyard Bedlam after pizza dinner. The pizza still happened; no worries there. But Barnyard is the traditional first Tan & White game and it couldn’t go on. We called an audible and had Tan and White Lip Sync. T.A.W.L.S. as it is known is one of the most adorable programs we do here. There were twelve lip syncs this evening and each of those groups were comprised of campers as young as Rafter^X through CITs. The dances were amazing, the costumes were adorable and the fun that was being had up on stage was quite obvious. Both teams were awesome but tonight, the White Team got the W!

So that’s it- that was our day at CRC in all of its glory! Tomorrow begins the week two chapter in our summer 2023 storybook. If it is anything like week one, we are in for a good one! Thanks for reading- goodnight, Chippies!

Happy Camping and Love,