Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,

It has been a lovely day at #TheRanch2023 and somehow we beat the rain- we got our full day in even though the sky looked like it might rain for pretty much the entirety of the day. Now that everyone is back in their cabins, the rain has started but we are appreciative that Mother Nature held out for us :).

As for the specifics of the amazing day we had, they are plentiful. We had a full day of regular B-Day activities, and I am happy to report that as I walked around CRC, campers were fully into their activities. To begin my circle around camp, I stopped by the climbing Wall. Logan W, Ava L and Skylar G were climbing that wall with the autobelay…their faces showed some serious determination! I then headed to riding- my first time stopping by this summer…and it was worth the wait. Hudson G, Evelyn L, Jordie K and Lexa T were riding around the ring with huge smiles. I was quite impressed with the confidence of these young campers on horse back…so cool! Over at tennis, our high school tennis players were loving the tennis clinic with Denise. Basically, all the activity around CRC was spectacular! A definite highlight was Ava Z catching TEN fish in one period- it was insane! Ski achievements today included Leah J got up and around the lake on two AND crossed the wakes on two skis, Olivia R & Shiloh C crossed the wakes on two skis, Parker R lifted a ski, Bailey F dropped a ski and Sadie S got up and around the lake on one ski. Campers are just passing levels left and right this summer!

And tonight we had our first social of the summer with Camp Menominee. At about 7:15pm, the Menominee vans began dropping campers and we hosted an awesome Harry Potter themed event. Campers played Quidditch, ate delicious snacks, got sorted by The Sorting Hat and danced the night away. Siblings were super-excited to see each other and friends were happy to reunite! Lakeview campers carried on the tradition of dressing in costume for the social- they had some very unique outfits…it was hilarious. It was a nice evening, and ended with plenty of time for a good night’s sleep across Chippyland.

That’s about all for now- I apologize for the short entry. But things are going great around here…campers and staff are happy and the vibes are good. And, of course, today was another day of connection. I witnessed so many acts of kindness, and so many instances of campers and staff going out of their way to make someone else feel good. So yeah, life at CRC in the first week is everything we hoped it would be!

Goodnight to all, and to all a good night!

Happy Camping and Love,